- Apache Tomcat
- Java
- Maven
- Spring Framework
- Mybatis
- Hibernate
- Mysql
- AWS EC2 ** Autoscaling groups ** Load balancers
- AWS Route53
- Apache Gemfire (caching)
- clone this repo
- create a local (or AWS RDS) MySql instance and restore it using the sql dump file provided in the resouces folder
- update DB url, username, password application.properties file accordingly to your new DB
- Install and start Apache Tomcat in your deployment environment - be sure Java 8 is installed
- Build project from the root directory of the project using Maven "mvn clean package"
- A .war file will be created in the target directory of the project
- Copy this .war file to the "webapps" directory of Apache Tomcat ** This will automatically deploy the application to Tomcats default port :8080 in your environment
- All API resources can be found in crypto.rest_controllers package
- ALL MVC resources can be found in crypto.mvc_controllers package
- All MVC client-side resources can be found in resources/static and resources/templates