A golang client library for the official Product Hunt API.
Download and install gohunt by running go get github.com/kyeah/gohunt/gohunt
package main
import (
func main() {
client := gohunt.NewUserClient("devToken")
// Grab today's posts
posts, err := client.GetPosts()
if err != nil {
// Print post summaries (Title: headline)
for _, post := range posts {
Interaction with the Product Hunt API is facilitated by the Gohunt Client. The client can be generated in three ways:
Client-Only Authentication by OAuth2
client, err := gohunt.NewOAuthClient(clientID, clientSecret)
User-Authentication by Developer Token
client := gohunt.NewUserClient(phToken)
User-Authentication by OAuth2
func handleLogin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
gohunt.RequestUserOAuthCode(w, r, clientID, "/redir", state)
func handleRedirect(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
client, err := gohunt.NewUserOAuthClient(clientID, clientSecret, "/me", r.FormValue("code"))
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/login", handleLogin)
http.HandleFunc("/redir", handleRedirect)
http.HandleFunc("/me", showUser)
http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil)
indicates an optional parameter; use "" or -1 to exclude them in the request.
// Posts
client.GetPost(id int)
client.GetPreviousPosts(daysAgo int)
client.GetPostsOnDay(day string) // Formatted YYYY-MM-DD
client.GetAllPosts([searchUrl string], [olderThanID int], [newerThanID int], [count int])
client.CreatePost(link string, name string, tagline string)
// Users
client.GetUser(username string) // id or username
client.GetAllUsers([olderThanID int], [newerThanID int], [count int], [order string]) // order is "asc" or "desc"
// Votes
client.GetPostVotes(postID int, [olderThanID int], [newerThanID int], [count int], [order string])
client.GetUserVotes(userID int, [olderThanID int], [newerThanID int], [count int], [order string])
client.VoteForPost(postID int, voting bool) // voting=false if unvoting; else true
// Comments
client.GetPostComments(postID int, [olderThanID int], [newerThanID int], [count int], [order string])
client.GetUserComments(userID int, [olderThanID int], [newerThanID int], [count int], [order string])
client.CreateComment(postID int, [parentCommentID int], body string)
client.UpdateComment(commentID int, [parentCommentID int], body string)
// Followers and Following
client.GetFollowers(userID int, [olderThanID int], [newerThanID int], [count int], [order string])
client.GetFollowing(userID int, [olderThanID int], [newerThanID int], [count int], [order string])
client.Follow(userID int, following bool) // following=false if unfollowing; else true
// Related Links
client.GetRelatedLinks([searchUrl string])
// Requires User-Authenticated Client
client.GetNotifications([olderThanID int], [newerThanID int], [count int], [order string])
client.UpdateSettings(settings *UserSettings)
Note: Write Access is provided by the Product Hunt team to specific entities, and rarely to third parties. All write-access requests are currently untested.