This is a basic iOS tip calculator written in Swift
Time spent: ~3 hours
Completed user stories:
- Required: User can enter a bill subtotal and see the tip amount and total
- Required: User can change tip % (supported 18%, 20%, 22%)
- Required: User can select a default tip % in the settings view which is stored for future use
- Optional: User can select a preferred color theme (light or green) in settings view which is stored for future use
- Optional: User can see bill total split between multiple users (1-5)
- Optional: Improved currency formatting by using NSNumberFormatter
- Optional: Animation when toggle between color themes in settings view
Possible future features:
- Store user's bill history
- Allow greater control over tip % by changing from UISegmentedControl to Slider
- Nicer animations and graphics
Walkthrough of all user stories: