rofi-hoogle is a plugin for the rofi application launcher that let's you search Hoogle and open the results in your browser. This software is in its early stages right now, but should be usable.
Launch rofi with: rofi -modi hoogle -show hoogle
and type in your query.
- rofi-hoogle will not try to auto-complete any searches with unbalanced parentheses or brackets. This improves performance by not trying to search too often.
- By default, auto-searching will only start after you've entered at least 15 characters. If you want to search something with fewer characters, enter two spaces at the end of your query to immediately auto-complete.
On NixOS you can make an overlay overriding the plugins
argument to the rofi
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
environment.systemPackages = [
nixpkgs.overlays = [
(self: super: {
rofiWithHoogle = let
rofi-hoogle-src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "rebeccaskinner";
repo = "rofi-hoogle";
rev = "27c273ff67add68578052a13f560a08c12fa5767";
sha256 = "09vx9bc8s53c575haalcqkdwy44ys1j8v9k2aaly7lndr19spp8f";
rofi-hoogle = import "${rofi-hoogle-src}/release.nix";
in super.rofi.override { plugins = [ rofi-hoogle.rofi-hoogle ]; };
If you are using home manager to manage your desktop environment, you can import this package and add it as a plugin:
{ pkgs, ... }:
rofi-hoogle-src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "rebeccaskinner";
repo = "rofi-hoogle";
rev = "27c273ff67add68578052a13f560a08c12fa5767";
sha256 = "09vx9bc8s53c575haalcqkdwy44ys1j8v9k2aaly7lndr19spp8f";
rofi-hoogle = import "${rofi-hoogle-src}/release.nix";
programs.rofi = {
enable = true;
terminal = "${pkgs.kitty}/bin/kitty";
theme = ./themes/darkplum.rasi;
plugins = with pkgs; [
First, install nix, then run:
nix-build release.nix
Finally, copy the plugin into your rofi plugin directory:
cp result/lib/rofi/ $(pkg-config --variable=pluginsdir rofi)