tagged this
26 Apr 12:34
=========================================== Features: * Add login support for Javascript Web Tokens, thanks to Niklas Riekenbrauck (PR #671,#687) * Add URL previewing support (PR #688) * Add login support for LDAP, thanks to Christoph Witzany (PR #701) * Add GET endpoint for pushers (PR #716) Changes: * Never notify for member events (PR #667) * Deduplicate identical ``/sync`` requests (PR #668) * Require user to have left room to forget room (PR #673) * Use DNS cache if within TTL (PR #677) * Let users see their own leave events (PR #699) * Deduplicate membership changes (PR #700) * Increase performance of pusher code (PR #705) * Respond with error status 504 if failed to talk to remote server (PR #731) * Increase search performance on postgres (PR #745) Bug fixes: * Fix bug where disabling all notifications still resulted in push (PR #678) * Fix bug where users couldn't reject remote invites if remote refused (PR #691) * Fix bug where synapse attempted to backfill from itself (PR #693) * Fix bug where profile information was not correctly added when joining remote rooms (PR #703) * Fix bug where register API required incorrect key name for AS registration (PR #727)