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To run the code

  • Clone the repository
  • Change directory to xbe cd xbe
  • Install dependencies bundle install
  • You need a postgres server running with username as 'root' and password as 'root' and database xbe with root getting all privileges
  • Create database rake db:create
  • Install db changes rake db:migrate
  • In new terminal run to start sidekiq bundle exec sidekiq -e development -C config/sidekiq.yml
  • In new terminal run rake database_listener

Gems used

  1. gem 'hairtrigger', '~> 1.0' // For creating triggers within rails env
  2. gem 'sidekiq', '~> 7.1', '>= 7.1.2' # For background processes
  3. gem "rspec-rails" # For testing.


  1. Invoices - id (uuid), invoice_no(string), total_amount(int), timestamps
  2. Invoice_items - id(uuid), invoice_id(foreign_key), quantity(int), amount_per_unit(int), total_amount(int), timestamps
    • Triggers on create, update, delete
    • Every trigger contains pg_notify which sends messages on 'trigger_changes' channel
  3. Notifications - event(string), payload(json)

Rake Tasks

  1. database_listener - This queues DatabaseNotifications background job which in turn listens to pg_notify()

My thought process

  • Have used postgres triggers as we need the application to get notified even if changes are directly done on database
  • Installed hair-trigger gem which lets me create triggers in model files itself
  • 3 tables - invoice, invoice_items(references invoice table via foreign key), notifications
  • In invoice_item.rb file I have created triggers when quantity, amount_per_unit changes for invoice_item. It changes total_amount in invoice_table.
  • The invoice_items trigger also use pg_notify() for inter-process communication and sends message to rails application
  • Created an ApplicationJob which uses Sidekiq and listens to pg_notify commands. It also writes to Notifications table whenever a prompt is received.
  • Created rake task "database_listener" which queues the above job
  • Have written just 1 rspec test but have could not proceed for paucity of time.


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