This is a node example project for the node module
This project will build HTML-files, showing the nearby Pokemon on a Google Map.
You can change the steps/radius in the code if you want to.
The generated HTML-file is stored in /example/public/index.html.
First install the npm dependencies:
npm install
Then make the config file, here is an example:
"username": "TODO",
"password": "TODO",
"provider": "TODO:ptc/google",
"location": {
"name": "TODO"
"coords": {
"latitude": TODO,
"longitude": TODO,
"altitude": TODO
"type": "TODO: name/coords",
"steps": TODO,
"maps": {
"apikey": "TODO"
This file is stored under /example/example-config.json
node .
This example can't serve the generated HTML-files, but you can use live-server to serve them:
npm install -g live-server
cd example/public