incidentes-frontend Public
Project VueJS para controle de incidentes (not stable only study)
HTML UpdatedOct 8, 2024 -
emprestimo-livros Public
Project VueJS para controle de emprestimo de livros
HTML UpdatedSep 16, 2024 -
wordpress-docker-starter Public
Wordpress Docker Starter
memory-game Public
Forked from manualdodev/memory-gameJogo da memória com tema do Rick and Morty feito com HTML, CSS e JavaScript
JavaScript UpdatedJul 4, 2022 -
estrutura-de-dados Public
Repositório contendo alguns exercicios e lições de estrutura de dados
relatorio-fapesp Public
Forked from cassales/relatorio-fapespArquivos utilizados para o relatório.
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 17, 2021 -
encontre-sua-biblioteca Public
Democratize o conhecimento encontrando a biblioteca comunitária mais próxima
roadmap-da-quebrada Public
Forked from perifacode/roadmap-da-quebrada🗺 Roadmap para auxiliar gente da quebrada em sair de onde está para chegar até a tecnologia.
UFScar Public archive
Repositorio com atividades e implementações das máterias do mestrado da UFScar
C UpdatedMay 9, 2021 -
lobo-guara-addon Public
Forked from mrcanelas/lobo-guara-addonJavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 19, 2021 -
zhong Public
Forked from nickelser/zhongReliable, distributed cron.
Ruby Other UpdatedApr 15, 2021 -
coffee-coverage Public
Forked from benbria/coffee-coverageIstanbul and JSCoverage-style instrumentation for CoffeeScript files.
CoffeeScript MIT License UpdatedMar 29, 2021 -
Encontre a biblioteca mais próxima de você
CSS UpdatedMar 25, 2021 -
Lofi-Hip-Hop-Generator Public
Forked from zacharykatsnelson/Lofi-Hip-Hop-GeneratorPython UpdatedNov 17, 2020 -
biblioteca Public
Um projeto de estudos para aprimorar conhecimento em linguagem funcional utilizando elixir e phoenix
Elixir UpdatedAug 24, 2020 -
webWhatsappAudioSpeedChanger Public
Forked from gabrielew/webWhatsappAudioSpeedChangerA chrome extension to change web whatsapp audio speed to 2x
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 5, 2020 -
automate_spotify_login Public
Forked from Shubh0405/automate_spotify_loginAutomating the task of login to spotify account and play your favourite playlist.
Python UpdatedMay 16, 2020 -
typhoeus Public
Forked from typhoeus/typhoeusTyphoeus wraps libcurl in order to make fast and reliable requests.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 30, 2020 -
wisdom-of-the-elephant Public
Sabedoria do Elefante (Wisdom of the elePHPant) esse repositório vai conter a tradução desse livro para varias linguas
Turing-Test-Media Public
Forked from ThankMrSkeletal2016/Turing-Test-MediaRepository for artist who wish to release their personal project out into the open, for others to remix as they please!
Ruby UpdatedJan 29, 2020 -
clean-code-javascript Public
Forked from ryanmcdermott/clean-code-javascript🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
startbootstrap-sb-admin-2 Public
Forked from StartBootstrap/startbootstrap-sb-admin-2A free, open source, Bootstrap admin theme created by Start Bootstrap
HTML MIT License UpdatedJan 9, 2020 -
afrotinder Public
Forked from stevenpersia/tinder-react-nativeAfro Tinder React Native
quebradev.github.io Public
Forked from QuebraDev/quebradev.github.ioSite do podcast perifatécnico QuebraDev
flask-project-positions Public
Project challenge positions of jobs using Python, Flask, Docker.