WP-Starter is a [WordPress child theme] (http://themeawesome.com/wordpress-child-theme) developed for use with [WP-Forge] (http://themeawesome.com/responsive-wordpress-theme/). If you need more information about WordPress Child Themes or how to use them correctly, please view the [WordPress Codex section on child themes] (http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes)
###WP-Starter Demo### You can see a demo of WP-Starter here: http://themeawesome.com/themes/wpstarter/ - It's nothing fancy and looks exactly like the WP-Forge demo. Be sure to look at the page source and you will see that the demo is in fact using WP-Starter.
###WP-Forge Support### If you need help with implementation or if you run into issues, please [post your questions/issues] (https://github.com/tsquez/wp-starter/issues)
###Installation### If you downloaded the parent theme WP-Forge from Github, you will need to open the WP-Starter style.css file and change the @import url reference to "WP-Forge-master" (without the quotation marks) instead of "wp-forge". If you downloaded the parent theme WP-Forge from ThemeAwesome.com, then you do not have to change anything.
###License### WP-Starter is licensed as follows:
- WordPress is GPLv2 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.1.html
- Foundation by ZURB is MIT - http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
This means WP-Starter is completely free to use and modify as you see fit. I hope you use it to learn something new, make something cool, have fun, and share what you've learned with others.
###ThemeAwesome.com### WP-Starter is a WordPress Child Theme developed by [ThemeAwesome.com] (http://themeawesome.com), a site focused on Responsive WordPress Themes.
###FoundationThemes.co### [FoundationThemes.co] (http://foundationthemes.co/) is a website focused on developing Responsive WordPress themes built with WordPress and Zurb’s Foundation - Make sure you enter your email address to be notified when launches.