regularfry / jclouds
Forked from jclouds/legacy-jcloudsjclouds is an open source library that helps you get started in the cloud and reuse your java development skills. Our api allows you to freedom to use portable abstractions or cloud-specific featur…
regularfry / geocoder
Forked from alexreisner/geocoderComplete Ruby geocoding solution.
regularfry / vagrant
Forked from hashicorp/vagrantVagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.
ActiveRecord extension that serializes destroyed records into a trash table from which they can be restored. This is intended to reduce the risk of users misusing your application's delete function…
regularfry / rvm
Forked from rvm/rvmRuby enVironment (Version) Manager ( rvm )
regularfry / mspec
Forked from ruby/mspecRSpec-syntax compatible framework for RubySpecs
regularfry / rubyspec
Forked from ruby/specExecutable specification for the Ruby programming language using RSpec syntax.
ActiveRecord extension that serializes destroyed records into a trash table from which they can be restored. This is intended to reduce the risk of users misusing your application's delete function…
regularfry / incanter
Forked from incanter/incanterClojure-based, R-like statistical computing and graphics environment for the JVM
regularfry / rps
Forked from leahneukirchen/rpsRuby Packaging Standard
regularfry / crown
Forked from vjoel/crownGather gem lib and bin files under one directory for fast loading and predictable behavior.
regularfry / right_aws
Forked from flexera-public/right_awsRightScale Amazon Web Services Ruby Gems
Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing development environments.
regularfry / capistrano
Forked from capistrano/capistranoRemote multi-server automation tool
Gather gem lib and bin files under one directory for fast loading and predictable behavior.