A stand-alone utility library that generates HTML embed tags for audio or video located on a given URL. It also parses and validates given media URLs.
It currently works with 150+ services, including the most important ones like
- YouTube
- Dailymotion
- MyVideo
- Vimeo
- Ustream
etc. With community driven updates this aims to be a complete and up-to-date service wrapper lib.
It uses iframes if possible, and has a fallback on the embed object if necessary.
- PHP 5.4+
- Composer
Please feel free to join in and help out to further improve or complete it. There are always some providers changing their URLs/API or some new ones which are not yet completed.
composer require dereuromark/media-embed
This will get the latest tagged version for you.
Or manually add the dependency to your composer.json
"require": {
"dereuromark/media-embed": "0.*"
and run:
composer install
You can either use parseUrl()
(default lookup) or parseId()
(reverse lookup) of MediaEmbed
The latter is useful if you only store the "host slug" and "id" in the database instead of the
complete URL.
Both methods will return an MediaObject
object, which will contain the parsed input.
You can then display the HTML code with getEmbedCode()
or retrieve more information using the getters of MediaObject
The simplest usage, when included via composer autoload, would be:
// At the top of the file
use MediaEmbed\MediaEmbed;
// Somewhere in your (class) code
$MediaEmbed = new MediaEmbed();
Usually, users don't care or don't know how exactly a video is linked/embedded. So if they just paste the URL of the browser, you can directly replace those URLs with the HTML code of it:
// Process all links in some content
public function autoLink($text) {
return preg_replace_callback(..., [&$this, '_linkUrls'], $text);
protected function _linkUrls($matches) {
if (!isset($this->MediaEmbed)) {
$this->MediaEmbed = new MediaEmbed();
$MediaObject = $this->MediaEmbed->parseUrl($url);
if ($MediaObject) {
return $MediaObject->getEmbedCode();
// No media match found - normal <a href="...">...</a> replacing here
As this is costly when used at runtime, it is usually better to parse the URL upon save and transform it into a BBCode like syntax that can be translated into HTML quicker and easier.
When a URL is posted in the video field (varchar 255), we can extract the data from it and validate it:
$id = $host = null;
$MediaObject = $this->MediaEmbed->parseUrl($url);
if ($MediaObject) {
$id = $MediaObject->id();
$host = $MediaObject->slug();
Those two values can be stored persistently (the complete URL including schema might change).
A helper method can then display it:
public function video($host, $id, array $options = []) {
if (!isset($this->MediaEmbed)) {
$this->MediaEmbed = new MediaEmbed($options);
$MediaObject = $this->MediaEmbed->parseId($id, $host);
if (!$MediaObject) {
return '';
if (!empty($options['attributes'])) {
foreach ($options['attributes'] as $attribute => $value) {
$MediaObject->setAttribute($attribute, $value);
return $MediaObject->getEmbedCode();
This example shows you how to add custom attributes to the iframe tag or parameters to the src url (so you can add the autoplay parameter on youtube for example):
$MediaObject = $this->MediaEmbed->parseUrl('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=111111');
if ($MediaObject) {
'autoplay' => 1,
'loop' => 1
'type' => null,
'class' => 'iframe-class',
'data-html5-parameter' => true
return $MediaObject->getEmbedCode();
This should return and embed code like:
<embed src="http:/www.youtube.com/embed/111111?autoplay=1&loop=1" class="iframe-class" data-html5-parameter></iframe>
* @param mixed $string
* @return string
protected function _parseVideo($string) {
return preg_replace_callback('/\[video=?(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/video\]/is', [$this, '_processVideo'], $string);
* @param array $params
* @return string
protected function _processVideo($params) {
if (!isset($this->MediaEmbed)) {
$this->MediaEmbed = new MediaEmbed();
$url = $params[2];
if (strpos($url, 'www.') === 0) {
$url = 'http://' . $url;
$MediaObject = $this->MediaEmbed->parseUrl($url);
if (!$MediaObject) {
return $params[0];
$slug = $MediaObject->slug();
if (!$slug) {
$slug = $params[1];
if ($slug) {
$slug = '=' . $slug;
$id = $MediaObject->id();
$result = '[video' . $slug . ']' . $id . '[/video]';
return $result;
So [video]http://www.youtube.com/v/123[/video]
becomes [video=youtube]123[/video]
* @param string $string
* @return string
public function prepareForOutput($string) {
return preg_replace_callback('/\[video=?(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/video\]/is', [$this, '_finalizeVideo'], $string);
* @param array $params
* @return string
protected function _finalizeVideo($params) {
if (!isset($this->MediaEmbed)) {
$this->MediaEmbed = new MediaEmbed();
$host = $params[1];
$id = $params[2];
$MediaObject = $this->MediaEmbed->parseId($id, $host);
if (!$MediaObject) {
return $params[0];
return $MediaObject->getEmbedCode();
So [video]123[/video]
becomes <iframe ...>...</iframe>
or <object ...><embed src="..."</embed></object>
You can see live examples when you get this repo running locally and browse to examples
has a list of examples, you can live-preview. bbcode.php
shows how to use it in save/read callbacks.
See wiki.
Run tests with
composer test-setup
composer test
Run coverage
composer test-coverage
and browse to the generated tmp/index.php
via browser.
Run CS check/fix with
composer cs-check
composer cs-fix
Inspired by autoembed which already included most of the supported services and laid the foundation of this OOP approach here.