This is the code for the website.
It's just a placeholder right now. If you'd like to help build the
site (and the New Haven hacker community) please get in touch. You can
find fellow New Haven hackers via
- the Google group;
- the Twitter account
- the #newhavenio IRC channel on Freenode.
- create small, simple logo ala twitter, apple
The website is statically generated and hosted on AWS's S3 service. To make changes to the website, you'll need a few Ruby tools in your environment. The following instructions will help you install those tools. (These instructions are a tad pedantic for the benefit of those who would like to contribute but perhaps have less development experience.)
bundle # this should get the right gems setup
...todo. Deps are in the .rvmrc
file. is powered in part by Gumby 2, a front-end toolkit created by New Haven's own Digital Surgeons. The design was created by Adam Soffer.
Gumby 2 uses Sass and Compass which you'll need to install to get your environment set up correctly. (See the section above on setting up your environment.) Gumby 2 has a nice set of docs you can check out here.
jekyll --server
open localhost:4000
To build the .css assets, run
compass compile
To deploy the site you'll need s3cmd, which you can install via homebrew, e.g.
brew install s3cmd
or, via bundle/gem. You'll also need a .s3cfg
file containing at least
the following lines
You can get deployment keys from Kyle. To run a deployment, do
sh ./
To make a new event, add a file to the events/_posts
The file name should start with a date and end with md
. The file's content should look
something like the following:
layout: event
title: March NewHaven.rb Social
location: Christies
time: 6:00 PM
address: 261 Orange St, New Haven, CT
host: NewHaven.rb
host_twitter: newhavenrb
Get some drinks & dinner in New Haven, and talk about your
start-up, your open source project, or whatever. It's easy.
You can
The top-matter is in Yaml format and the "content" is in Markdown format. These fields are used to render information about the event on the website.
Your name could be here!