SpringBoot + Spring Data JPA + ...
- Not implemented yet: Menu links
- gentelella 기반의 기본적인 admin theme 뷰
- JDK 1.8 or later
- Maven 3.0+
- Git
TODO: 추후 업데이트 예정
TODO: 추후 업데이트 예정
- Java version: 8 Update 74
- Spring Boot version: 1.3.3
- Maven version: 3.3.9
- Lombok version: 1.16.6
- Default Encoding: UTF-8
- Default SCM : git
- STS 설치 -> http://millky.com/@origoni/post/1100
- Lombok 설치 -> https://projectlombok.org/ (설치 : http://millky.com/@origoni/post/1164)
- GitHub 다운 -> TODO: 추후 업데이트 예정
- Gentelella on Ruby on Rails 4 thanks to Israel Ogbole.
- Gentelella on Smarty 3 with one time password generator, validator, and QR code generator that has no web dependencies (self-contained) in PHP thanks to MicroVB INC
- Gentelella integrated into Symfony 3 full stack PHP framework thanks to Krzysztof Piasecki.
- Gentelella on Yii framework 2 with an asset bundle, a layout template and some widgets.
- Gentelella on Angular 2 Angular Webpack Starter modified to utilize the Gentelella.
- Gentelella on Aurelia Typescript webpack skeleton modified to utilize the Gentelella.
- Gentelella on Spring thanks to reneezll.