These demos show how to implement the GStreamer C API on the RZV and RZG boards. For more detailed reference to the GStreamer API here.
This demo is c code that shows how to implement the below CLI on C Code. The Example takes advantage the the RZ Hardware peripherals ( H.264, and VSPMFilere).
gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=./Road.mp4 ! qtdemux ! queue ! h264parse ! queue ! omxh264dec ! queue ! vspmfilter dmabuf-use=true ! waylandsink
gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=./Road.mp4 ! qtdemux ! queue ! h264parse ! queue ! omxh264dec ! queue ! vspmfilter dmabuf-use=true ! video/x-raw, width=640, height=480 ! waylandsink
- Enable the Yocto SDK
- Run make
- Two binaries are created PlayMP3video and PlayMP3video_vga. The first plays the video in it;s original format. The second does the downscale of the video.
This is an example of how to capture images from the GStreamer stream. This demo uses the GStreamer AppSink Element. It pushes video frames to the user application. For this example the first frame of the MP3 Stream is saved to a binary file "capImage". Use the included script to view the image. This demo takes advantage of RZ peripherials H.264 for decoding and VSPM to convert the stream format and resolution. This method is a fast and efficient method to extract images compared to OpenCV and ARM Computelibrary.
The python file decodes the generated binary file "capImage". The script is designed to decode a VGA image with a BGR color pattern.
Pillow : used to decode and view images from numpy array numpy : used to import binary files into numpy array
- Enable the Yocto SDK
- Run make
- Copy the created binary ImageCapture to the RZ board.
- On the rz board type
./ImageCapture MoveFile.mp3