- this repository was used in this work:
Brandt, C. et al. Assessing genetic diversity and similarity of 435 KPC-carrying plasmids. Scientific Reports 9, 11223 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-47758-5
- TLDR: KPC plasmid clustering workflow via Nextflow
- workflow is only tested and intended for KPC-plasmids
A example installation for Docker and Nextflow:
# java runtime for nextflow, test if installed via 'java -version'
apt install openjdk-11-jre
# install nextflow
curl -s https://get.nextflow.io | bash
# move 'nextflow' to a $PATH location, or add 'nextflow' to $PATH
mv nextflow /usr/local/bin
# Install via https://docs.docker.com/install/ (most recent) or:
apt install docker-ce
# Add docker group to $USER
sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
# restart terminal or reboot if neccessary
nextflow run replikation/plasmid_analysis --input list_of_accession_numbers.txt
- reproduce the KPC clustering
# clone the git and navigate into
git clone https://github.com/replikation/plasmid_analysis.git
cd plasmid_analysis
# execute Nextflow using the Accessionlist of May
nextflow run main.nf --input Accessionlist/Accessionlist_KPC_nt_archive_all_May_2019.txt --cpus 8
is given as a example- feel free to use another accession list:
- only one accession number per line
- no headers
- results are stored in
- a simplified result collection for KPC-plasmids can be used via
bash collect_results.sh
- nextflow is able to resume a run
- add
to the last nextflow command
nextflow run main.nf --help
nextflow run main.nf --input Accession_list.txt
--input a list of accession numbers, one accession number per line, no headers
e.g. do a 'cut -f2' on a blastn query with '-outfmt6'
--cpus max cores [default 8]
Results are stored in cluster_results/
- Dockerfiles created for this workflow are located under
- the
folder can be removed afterwards