NFT Airdrop is used to airdrop NFTs, anyone can create a campaign to start a NFT airdrop, features include:
- Multiple template selection. Currently it supports 2 templates: Lootbox and Common NFT. Will add more later!
- Filter by NFT holders. Support to specify any NFT holders is eligible to claim your NFTs
- IPFS. Image files are saved to IPFS.
- Multiple properties. Currently support 3 properties, appearance, level and fight power.
NFT is a representation of reputaion, so you can use NFT Airdrop to:
- Reward your community members with limited NFTs.
- Membership.
- Airdrop to your fans.
- Marketing campaign.
- Reward the attendees that attend your event.
- And more... Use your imagination, there will be a lot of fun with NFT Airdrop.
- Launch a airdrop
- User claim
- View NFTs
This project is built with scaffold-eth.
Prerequisites: Node plus Yarn and Git
clone/fork nft-airdrop:
git clone
install and start your 👷 Hardhat chain:
cd scaffold-eth
yarn install
yarn chain
in a second terminal window, start your 📱 frontend:
cd scaffold-eth
yarn start
in a third terminal window, 🛰 deploy your contract:
cd scaffold-eth
yarn deploy
📱 Open http://localhost:3000 to see the app
Documentation, tutorials, challenges, and many more resources, visit: