Source code for the GECCO paper 'How do different encodings influence the performance of the MAP-Elites algorithm?' D. Tarapore, J. Clune, A. Cully, J.-B. Mouret. To appear in the proceedings of GECCO 2016 (open-access).
To compile this repository:
git clone --recursive
cd tarapore_2016_gecco; sh ./
This code is provide 'as-is': it is released as supplementary material for the paper so that all the details are open. It will probably be hard to compile on your system and it is not intended to be easily re-used. For more mature code, please check the sferes2 modules ( and/or ask to the authors.
Please note that he map-elites module is not the standard one (because this code is older than the release of the 'official' map-elites module).
- Danesh Tarapore (University of York) -- [email protected]
- Jean-Baptiste Mouret (Inria) -- [email protected]
- Antoine Cully (Imperial College) -- [email protected]