- Los Angeles
1️⃣🐝🏎️ The One Billion Row Challenge -- A fun exploration of how quickly 1B rows from a text file can be aggregated with Java
You are looking for examples, code snippets, sample applications for Spring Integration? This is the place.
Spring Data - The Definitive Guide - Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java Developers
Spring HATEOAS - Library to support implementing representations for hyper-text driven REST web services.
Simplifies building hypermedia-driven REST web services on top of Spring Data repositories
Spring for Apache Hadoop is a framework for application developers to take advantage of the features of both Hadoop and Spring.
An example AngularJS Application that uses a Spring Security protected Jersey REST backend based on Hibernate/JPA
AppFuse is a full-stack framework for building web applications on the JVM. Open source since 2003.
This was the source code of biking.michael-simons.eu until end of 2023.
Spring Reactor hands-on training (3 days)
The Gatling AWS Maven plugin takes the pain out of scaling up your Gatling tests. It runs your load test on a configurable number of EC2 instances, aggregates a single load test report, and uploads…
Examples for using Apache Flink® with DataStream API, Table API, Flink SQL and connectors such as MySQL, JDBC, CDC, Kafka.
Consume Kafka topics and export to Prometheus
Sample Applications for getting started with Spring for Apache Hadoop
Templates for Spring Integration projects
A demonstration of dashboards for monitoring Kafka Streams applications.
Java sFTP client usage and its associated unit tests (using Jsch lib).
Example of a RAG application using Spring AI, OpenAI and Elasticsearch as a Vector Store
A collection of common utilities and reusable classes for Kafka Streams applications.
Repository for all the public projects in Joy of Coding videos
Building Highly-Scalable Spring Applications with In-Memory Data Grids presentation examples for SpringOne2GX-2015 in Washington D.C.