Esmpp_lib is library was written on Erlang.It is implementation of the SMPP (Short Message Peer to Peer protocol).
Esmpp_lib use Input "make" for build the project. Esmpp_lib work with smpp protocol version 3.4 and 5.0. Version 5.0 will be work only if SMSC support it.It is designed as ESME (in smpp terminology) for sending sms and processing SMSC answers to this sms. Technical traffic, is hidded from the user (such as packages enquire_link, packages for bind to provider etc). Timeout for send of the enquire link packet must be set in start parameters. Time of wait the submit_sm_resp packet also must be set in it. If submit_sm_resp are not received by this time it handle as error. This time by default 40 second.
Library must receive parameters of connection to provider for correct work of it. Parameters will be enter in start_link([]) function of module esmpp_lib_worker as proplist.
Example, run library as standalone application:
nick@happy:~/esmpp_lib$ erl -pa ebin/ deps/*/ebin
1> ssl:start().
2> lager:start().
3> {ok, Pid} = esmpp_lib_worker:start_link([{host, {127,0,0,1}},
{port, 2775}, {password, <<"password">>}, {data_coding, 0},
{system_id, <<"smppclient1">>}, {interface_version, "3.4"},
{enquire_timeout, 30}, {submit_timeout, 60},
{system_type, ""}, {service_type, ""}, {addr_ton, 5},
{addr_npi, 0}, {source_addr_ton, 5}, {source_addr_npi, 0},
{dest_addr_ton, 1}, {dest_addr_npi, 1}, {handler, my_sms},
{mode, transceiver}]).
4> ok = esmpp_lib_worker:submit(Pid, [{source_addr, <<"Test">>}, {dest_addr, <<"380555222333">>}, {text, <<"Test sms">>}]).
Mandatory parameters include next things:
- host of smsc as tuple, example {host, {10,10,10,1}} host of SMSC,
- port of smsc, example {port, 5000} - port SMSC,
- system_id as binary, example {system_id, <<"My_id">>} system id was got from SMSC
- password as binary, example {password, <<"Pass">>} password was got from SMSC
- interface_version — smpp version,example {interface_version, "3.4"}
- system_type default empty list, example {system_type, ""}
- service_type default empty list, example {service_type, ""}
- addr_ton, example {addr_ton, 5}, must be integer,
- addr_npi, example {addr_npi, 0}, must be integer,
- source_addr example {source_addr, <<"my_esme">>},
- source_addr_ton example {source_addr_ton, 5}, must be integer,
- source_addr_npi example {source_addr_npi, 0}, must be integer
- dest_addr_ton, example{dest_addr_ton, 1}, must be integer,
- dest_addr_npi, example {dest_addr_npi, 1}, must be integer,
- transport, example {transport, tcp} - transport - ssl or tcp,
- submit timeout, example {submit_timeout, 60} - time during which the message should be delivered to SMSC,
- enuire link timeout, example {enquire_timeout, 60} must be integer - time after which the message enquire_link will be send. If this parameter is absent, enquire_link will not send.
- handler — your own module for handle smpp packet from SMSC, example {handler, my_sms},
- service_type (default {service_type, <<>>})
- data_coding - you need to know which encoding is set to the channel on the operator side. When the application opens a session you must transmit value is the same as the encoding is configured on the operator side. Usually gsm encoding is installed (160 characters in one SMS message). In this case, pass the {data_coding, 0} parameter. Sometimes latin1 encoding is installed (140 characters in one SMS). In this case, pass the parameter {data_coding, 3}
If correct parameters is present, connection to provider to be able in two mode:
- simplex mode - transmitter and receiver in two separate tcp connections
- duplex mode - transmitter and receiver (transceiver) in one tcp connection Duplex mode is recomended. Connection is opened by using start_link(Proplist) function from module esmpp_lib_worker.erl. The Proplist variable may contain all mandatory parameters for smpp session. Use parameter {mode, transceiver} for duplex mode or two different process with parameters {mode, transmitter} and {mode, receiver} for simplex mode. After success bind tuple {ok, Pid} are returned. This Pid will use for work with smpp session. If you need close connection, use function unbind(Pid). Command "outbind" from SMSC will be ignore.
When connection is up, messages can be send through api-functions:
submit(Pid, Proplist) and data_sm(Pid, Proplist).
Pid is identificator of channel for sending. It is returned after success bind. Variable Proplist must contain phone number of abonent (parameter "dest_addr") and text of message (parameter "text"). All parameters must be in binary kind. Example:
esmpp_lib_worker:submit(Pid, [{source_addr, <<"380665555555">>},
{dest_addr, <<"380571111100">>},
{text, <<"test">>}]).
This function will send text "test" to phone "380571111100" and return ok.
Sequence number, source number, destination number and text of message
will return as proplist in callback function sequence_number_handler(list()).
This sequence number must be save,in order to later associate it with the
"message_id" after receiving the package submit_sm_resp. In other case if
submit_sm_resp are not received, message with this sequence number is lost
and requires re-sending or logging accident. Sequence number of messages
which is lost pass in handler submit_error(Pid, Socket, SeqNum).
Dispatch of cyrillic text is support. Sending of long message also is support (method udh).Using api-function query_sm(Pid, Proplist) will be able to request status of sms. Example:
esmpp_lib_worker:query_sm(Pid, [{source_addr, <<"380665555555">>},
{message_id, <<"my_id">>}]).
Value "my_id" must be receive from function submit_sm_resp_handler in module-handler.
You must write module with behaviour
for handle responses from SMSC. Module my_sms.erl in this library is example of handler. Module must contain following functions (handlers):
sequence_number_handler(list()) -> ok.
submit_sm_resp_handler(pid(), list()) -> ok.
data_sm_handler(pid(), list()) -> ok.
data_sm_resp_handler(pid(), list()) -> ok.
deliver_sm_handler(pid(), list()) -> ok.
query_sm_handler(pid(), list()) -> ok.
unbind_handler(pid()) -> ok.
outbind_handler(pid(), term()) -> ok.
network_error(pid(), term()) -> ok.
decoder_error(pid(), term()) -> ok.
submit_error(pid(), term(), term(), term()) -> ok
All this functions must return atom "ok". Function unbind_handler(Pid) is intended for receiving notice that SMSC wants to close connection. Function network_error(Pid, Reason) return a reason of error tcp connection and socket of this process. Function submit_error(Pid, Socket, SeqNum) return the pid and the socket of channel and sequence number of message, if submit_sm_resp is not received after time specified as submit_timeout.
All other functions receive messages from SMSC, which match their name. This messages transmitted to handler as proplist where keys is names of options SMPP packet or its mandatory fields. Proplist is able to contain all TLV options of SMPP packet and fields command_status, esm_class from mandatory fields of packet. Value of options can be integer or binary. Option "sc_interface_version" is list.
SMPP packets cancel_sm, cancel_broadcast_sm, broadcast_sm, query_broadcast_sm, submit_multi are not supported.
You can close session by API function esmpp_lib_worker:unbind(Pid). In the case of close session, filed bind or network problems process esmpp_lib_worker will be terminated automatically.
When you will embed esmpp_lib in your application you must remove a module my_sms.erl. This is test module and the callback function must be described in module of your application. Also, parameter "handler" in configuration parameters must contain name of your module as atom.
This version of the library describes smpp protocol. For integration into systems with a large number of gateways and many of channels on each gateway, need for more options in submit() function. For example, You can convay the message id from the database and the pid of the process, which works with a database to esmpp_lib_worker module through submit() function. Then need associate these parameters with sequense_number and message_id after sending the message and receiving submit_sm_resp from the operator. This will create link between your application and smpp library.
Free version of SMSC Selenium is used for tetsing library. It must be configured with parameters:
host -
port - 2775
system_id - smppclient1
Run Erlang console with command
erl -pa $PWD/ebin $PWD/deps/*/ebin
Run test with command
ct:run_test([{spec, "test/test.spec"}]).
All logs will be moved to the test/logs. The directory must exist before the tests are run, otherwise Common Test will complain.