- 211: fix ESC1 false positive
- 229: add smime extensions support (somehow does not work completely with certipy auth)
- 231: add ldap simple auth
- 228: add ESC15
- 226: fix ESC1 false positive
- 225: fix to solve SID overwrite errors
- 222: fix to allow certificate names with slashes or parentheses
- 210: add cross domain authentication
- 209: accept tgs other than HOST/target@domain
- 203: check web enrollment for https
- 201: add dcom support
- 200: add possibility to add more than 1 keycredential and correctly list them
- 198: add ldap-port option
- 196: add ESC13
- 193: add whencreated and whenmodified for templates
- 183: hidden import (pycryptodomex)