KINGSABRI / nmap-did-what
Forked from hackertarget/nmap-did-whatNmap Dashboard Mini Project
Software, firmware, and hardware designs for Ubertooth
jhaddix / ScanCannon
Forked from johnnyxmas/ScanCannonCombines the speed of masscan with the reliability and detailed enumeration of nmap
Execute a command whenever a device is adb-connected
A script that you can run in the background!
C# implementation of a streaming downloader, decryptor and extractor of Samsung firmware.
Mob-Droid helps you to generate metasploit payloads in easy way without typing long commands and save your time.
Android Remote Administration Tool
Python script to inject existing Android applications with a Meterpreter payload.
The successor to reDuh, pwn a bastion webserver and create SOCKS proxies through the DMZ. Pivot and pwn.
Some usefull Scripts and Executables for Pentest & Forensics
topotam / PrintSpoofer
Forked from itm4n/PrintSpooferAbusing Impersonation Privileges on Windows 10 and Server 2019
topotam / BOF-RegSave
Forked from EncodeGroup/BOF-RegSaveDumping SAM / SECURITY / SYSTEM registry hives with a Beacon Object File
An Information Security Reference That Doesn't Suck
Local privilege escalation via PetitPotam (Abusing impersonate privileges).
Python3 HTTP Server with upload functionality
BOF for Kerberos abuse (an implementation of some important features of the Rubeus).
snovvcrash / CrackMapExec
Forked from byt3bl33d3r/CrackMapExecA swiss army knife for pentesting networks
snovvcrash / peas
Forked from WithSecureLabs/peasModified version of PEAS client for offensive operations
snovvcrash / impacket
Forked from fortra/impacketImpacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols.
A collection of all the data i could extract from 1 billion leaked credentials from internet.