RFG Consultores, C.A.
- Caracas, Venezuela
Machine Learning Cheatsheet 2024
This is a repo with links to everything you'd ever want to learn about data science
Examples of MacGyvering Power BI core visuals into other types
Tabela dPeriodos em linguagem M para análises temporais avançadas
Script para extração da documentação do modelo com DAX Studio
Calendar (dates), Periods and Time table for Power BI and Fabric
Power BI template to standardize the loading and preparation of CSV files stored within a SharePoint site. The approach used here emphasizes modularization and reusability of its components.
LLM Zoomcamp - a free online course about real-life applications of LLMs. In 10 weeks you will learn how to build an AI system that answers questions about your knowledge base.
Material for the workshop Data Storytelling in Python Altair
The Definitive Guide to Power Query (M), published by Packt
🐨 Elegant Console Logger for Node.js and Browser
Here, I share .pbix files of the visualizations featured in my blog posts. Explore and download these files to dive deeper into the data behind the stories.
Fluent System Icons are a collection of familiar, friendly and modern icons from Microsoft.
💥This repository is your go-to resource for enhancing your Power BI. Elevate your data visualization game by following our step-by-step guide to seamlessly integrate customization your Power BI das…
IBCS-styled data visualizations created using only core Power BI visuals (Matrix, Table, New Card)
This library contains created mostly pure M-functions.
Creación de calendario con desvíos en año, mes, semana y día