LLVM-Tracer is an LLVM instrumentation pass to print out a dynamic LLVM IR trace, including dynamic register values and memory addresses.
If you use LLVM-Tracer in your research, please cite:
ISA-Independent Workload Characterization and its Implications for Specialized Architectures, Yakun Sophia Shao and David Brooks, International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), April 2013
- LLVM 3.4 and Clang 3.4 64-bit or LLVM 3.5 and Clang 3.5 64-bit
- GCC 4.7 or newer for C++11 features.
- CMake 2.8.12 or newer.
Breaking changes from v1.1 to v1.2:
- CMake is no longer optional. LLVM-Tracer only supports CMake for building.
This is because of a new Clangtool component (under
) which requires CMake. - LLVM-Tracer will install all built files to the subdirectories
instead offull-trace/
option has been removed.
CMake is a configure tool which allows you to do out-of-source build. LLVM-Tracer requires CMake newer than 2.8.12. By default, CMake searches for LLVM 3.4.
to where you installed LLVMexport LLVM_HOME=/path/to/your/llvm/installation
Clone LLVM-Tracer.
git clone https://github.com/ysshao/LLVM-Tracer cd LLVM-Tracer/
Configure with CMake and build LLVM-Tracer source code.
If you have LLVM installed:
mkdir build/ cd build cmake .. make make install
If you want CMake to install LLVM for you (CAUTION: takes an hour!):
mkdir build/ cd build cmake .. -DLLVM_ROOT=/where/to/install/LLVM -DAUTOINSTALL=TRUE make make install
(Optional) Try running triad example, which is built by CMake.
cd /path/to/build/LLVM-Tracer/ ctest -V
Available CMake settings
-DLLVM_ROOT=/where/your/llvm/install (default : $LLVM_HOME) You may denote the path of LLVM to find/install by this option. if this option is not defined, environment variable LLVM_HOME will be used. -DLLVM_RECOMMEND_VERSION="3.4", "3.5" (default : 3.4) LLVM-Tracer supports both LLVM 3.4 and 3.5. It uses LLVM 3.4 by default, but you can manually specify the LLVM version to use. -DAUTOINSTALL=TRUE,FALSE (default : FALSE) By this option, CMake scripts will automatically download, build and install LLVM for you if finds no LLVM installation. Using this function requires tar-1.22 or newer to extract xz format. The default installation path is under /your/build_dir/lib/llvm-3.x. You can manually define the installation path by -DLLVM_ROOT=/where/to/install. The default installation version will be 3.4. You can define the installation version by -DLLVM_RECOMMEND_VERSION="3.5" or "3.4". This auto install script will try to use the latest patch version according to cmake-scripts/AutoInstall/LLVMPatchVersion.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None,Debug,Release (default : None) You can choose one from three of bulid types.
After you build LLVM-Tracer, you can use example triad programs in the example directory to test LLVM-Tracer.
Go to /your/path/to/LLVM-Tracer/example/triad
Run LLVM-Tracer to generate a dynamic LLVM IR trace a. LLVM-Tracer tracks regions of interest inside a program. In the triad example, we want to analyze the triad kernel instead of the setup and initialization work done in main. To tell LLVM-Tracer the functions we are interested in, set the enviroment variable WORKLOAD to be the top-level function name:
export WORKLOAD=triad
If you have multiple functions, separate them with commas.
export WORKLOAD=md,md_kernel
LLVM-Tracer will trace them differently based on the
flag, which can be specified to theopt
command (see step d).- If this flag is specified, then any function called by any function in the WORKLOAD variable will be traced. This is a simple way to trace multiple "top-level" functions at once.
- If this flag is not specified, then only functions in the WORKLOAD variable will be traced.
b. Generate the source code labelmap.
export TRACER_HOME=/your/path/to/LLVM-Tracer ${TRACER_HOME}/bin/get-labeled-stmts triad.c -- -I${LLVM_HOME}/lib/clang/3.4/include
c. Generate LLVM IR:
clang -g -O1 -S -fno-slp-vectorize -fno-vectorize -fno-unroll-loops -fno-inline -emit-llvm -o triad.llvm triad.c
d. Run LLVM-Tracer pass. Before you run, make sure you already built LLVM-Tracer and have set the environment variable
to where you put LLVM-Tracer code.opt -S -load=${TRACER_HOME}/full-trace/full_trace.so -fulltrace -labelmapwriter [-trace-all-callees] triad.llvm -o triad-opt.llvm llvm-link -o full.llvm triad-opt.llvm ${TRACER_HOME}/profile-func/trace_logger.llvm
flag is optional and defaults to false.e. Generate machine code:
llc -filetype=asm -o full.s full.llvm gcc -fno-inline -o triad-instrumented full.s
f. Run binary. It will generate a file called
under current directory../triad-instrumented
g. There is a script provided which performs all of these operations.
python llvm_compile.py $TRACER_HOME/example/triad triad
is part of the SHOC benchmark suite. We provide a version of SHOC that
is ready to be used with LLVM-Tracer. Please go to
Aladdin and look under the SHOC
Sophia Shao, Sam Xi, and Emma Wang