We have a cqtdeployer extended support subscription on the Patrion service.
- We'll help you solve your deployment issues personality.
- All your tasks needed to solve your issues will have top priority.
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CQtDeployer helps you to extract all libraries your executable depends on and to create a launch script for your application.
Key differences of this program:
- Performance: this program deploys the application several times faster (up to 10 seconds)
- Flexibility: this application has flags that help you to configure the deployment for your or your project's needs
- Cross-deployment: this application supports Windows and Linux distributions. This means that you can deploy a project not only for the host platform, but also deploy a project for Windows target on Linux host and vice versa.
- Fast installers creation: Once the deployment is complete, you will receive a standalone installer for your distribution.
- x86
- x86-64
- ARM64
See the list of all options here
cqtdeployer -bin Guitar
cqtdeployer -bin Guitar.exe -qmake /path/to/qmake.exe
cqtdeployer -bin Application qif
cqtdeployer -bin Application.exe -qmake /path/to/qmake.exe qif
cqtdeployer -bin Application qif -qifStyle quasar
cqtdeployer -bin Application.exe -qmake /path/to/qmake.exe qif -qifStyle quasar
cqtdeployer -bin Application qif -qifStyle path/to/myStyle.css
cqtdeployer -bin Application.exe -qmake /path/to/qmake.exe qif -qifStyle path/to/myStyle.css
See building and installation instructions on wiki page
- QAmigo - Qt cross-platform serial port socket assistant for visualizing data.
- QtSecret - Simple encryption library supporting RSA and AES algorithms.
- Hanoi-Towers - Hanoi Towers Game
- distbuilder - Distribution Builder
- Manager_v2 - Qt Quick Controls 2 - Linux Manager Desktop Application
- IDE65XX - IDE 65XX is one of the open source IDE options available for developers working with Kick Assembler.
- Tanks - 2D game written in C++ & Qt for Windows, Linux and Android
- stegano - Bit-level Image Manipulation Software with Qt Framework - Steganography Pet Project
- Online_Board - This is a board that you can share with others.
Check out our documentation for more information: here
- many thanks Trail of Bits for their library pe-parser. Everything works perfectly.