Summiteer is a hiking log for those attempting to join the AMC 4000 Footer Club by hiking all 48 of the 4000-foot peaks in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. Summiteer allows users to track which peaks they’ve climbed and when, mileage, and notes on things like gear, companions, trail(s) used, weather, and trail conditions. Hikes can be logged publicly or privately.
- Log in with either username or email address.
- Random personalized welcome message each time a user logs in.
- Custom error messages.
- Sortable table of peaks in the White Mountains, with links to peak descriptions and summit forecasts.
- Hikes can be logged publicly or privately.
- Display of 10 most recent public hikes on home page.
- All publicly logged hikes are displayed on an individual peak's page.
- User profile page displays all of that user's hikes, both public and private.
- User progress displayed as number (5 peaks) and progress bar.
- Packages & Plugins
- Other
- Accessible star rating widget with pure CSS by Lea Verou
- twbs/bootstrap
- "Mountains" by Julien Meysmans, from The Noun Project
- New peak and trail lists
- Profile pages
- Ability to set entire profile as public/private
- Add profile photos
- Add photos to a hike
- Log in via OAuth: Facebook, Twitter, Google
- Share a public hike (Facebook, Twitter)
- Email
- Registration
- Password resets
- Add "friend" relationships
- See a list of friends' hikes
- Tag friends in hikes