- Melbourne, Australia
- http://about.me/rjhunter
A proven SVG-based JavaScript diagramming library powering exceptional UIs
A tool for building artifacts from source and injecting into container images
Given/When/Then keywords for RSpec Specifications
Pacto settles disputes between JSON providers and consumers
JS RDF store with SPARQL support
rhunter / gemjar
Forked from akiellor/gemjarRubyGems proxy which transforms Gems into JRuby GemJars.
[DEPRECATED] RubyGems proxy which transforms Gems into JRuby GemJars.
a code metric tool for rails projects
rhunter / xpath
Forked from teamcapybara/xpathRuby library for generating XPath expressions
rhunter / capybara
Forked from teamcapybara/capybaraAcceptance test framework for web applications
rhunter / activemessaging
Forked from kookster/activemessagingActiveMessaging moved from google code - this will be the latest and greatest
rhunter / stomp
Forked from stompgem/stompA ruby gem for sending and receiving messages from a Stomp protocol compliant message queue. Includes: failover logic, ssl support.
rhunter / jruby-rack-worker
Forked from kares/jruby-rack-workerThread based worker implementation on top of jruby-rack
Deploy a JRuby on Rails application to Tomcat with Capistrano
rhunter / homebrew
Forked from Homebrew/legacy-homebrewThe missing package manager for OS X.
Thread-ed Background Workers on top of JRuby::Rack
Integrate Representative as an ActionView template format
Use your browser to find which template rendered some HTML
rhunter / jasmine
Forked from jasmine/jasmineDOM-less simple JavaScript testing framework
blinky helps you see the light - plug and play set up for build lights
rhunter / RapidFTR
Forked from rapidftr/RapidFTRRapidFTR streamlines and speeds up the Family Tracing and Reunification process using small handheld devices to collect information.