Have you ever been on multiple AWS boxes at once and you don't remember what the box is for? The whereami
command now makes it simple to figure out just where the $^@* you actually are.
Forget fancy install scripts. Just wget the shell script and move it into the /usr/bin
directory. But make sure your user / role has the correct permissions to run this script.
First, ensure you have the AWS CLI installed:
sudo apt-get install python-pip -y
sudo pip install awscli
Then install the whereami
wget -q --output-document whereami https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rhyeal/whereami/master/whereami && chmod a+x whereami && sudo mv whereami /usr/bin/whereami
If you get an error while running, ensure your user/role has the following IAM permission:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [ "ec2:DescribeTags"],
"Resource": ["*"]
Simply type whereami
from the command line to get a print out of the box information.