A script for setting my favourite settings and installing applications onto a fresh Linux Mint installation.
sudo apt install git -y
git clone https://github.com/ribeirompl/linux_mint_setup_script.git
The repository contains a couple scripts...
- A couple
This sets up Pynetkey as well as a desktop icon to easily run it.
- Launch Driver Manager to install relevant drivers.
Ensure that the script has execute permissions:
chmod 744 ./cinnamon_settings.sh
Then run it within bash: ./cinnamon_settings.sh
- Restart PC
- (Optional) Set preferred pdf reader to okular
- (Optional) Set Login Window to only appear on primary monitor (Login Window->Settings->Monitor)
- (Optional) Setup Firefox with preferred settings (e.g. Download location to manual, and remove Highlights)
- (Optional) In Firefox, go to "about:config" then edit "widget.content.gtk-theme-override" value to be "Adwaita" theme (to fix the dark theme issues)
- (Optional) Add any online accounts to the GNOME Online Accounts application.
- (Optional) Setup default sound devices.
- Hold alt, then use left click to drag window, or right click to resize
- Super+F to open Firefox
- Super+C to open Chrome
- Super+V to open VS Code
- Super+D to show Desktop
- Super+M to minimise the current application.
- Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open System Monitor
- F2 to rename files/folders.
- Updating the script for each major release of Linux Mint Cinnamon.
- Removing the optional post-script steps and including them in the script.
- Adding other settings/applications to the script:
- See the whatsnew page for the current Linux Mint release.
- Go through other application settings
- Calendar
- Libreoffice suite
- Okular
- Pix
- RhythmBox
- Text Editor
- VS Code
- Thunderbird Mail
- Start redshift service and enable autostart.
- Remove shortcuts to: show desktop.
- docker (Maybe through VS code)
- texlive (LaTeX)
- Other oh-my-zsh plugins (colorize, command-not-found, dircycle, fasd)
- oh-my-zsh default prompt setting
- rsync
- Set default applications for filetypes such as .md (Markdown)
- Create relevant home directories such as "projects" and add to Nemo sidebar
- Add a restart computer prompt at the end of the script.