- Salvador - BA.
- in/ribmarciojunior
- https://github.com/ribmarciojr
FastAPI-Infinity Public
Espaço destinado a compartilhar material abordado em sala com os alunos do curso de FastAPI na Infinity School, sede Salvador.
adrianagithubmarcio1 Public
Forked from AdrianaFernandesCotrim/adrianagithubmarcio1 -
SchoolBus Public
Sistema desenvolvido para Secretaria de Educação, a fim de gerenciar a gestão do transporte de alunos de rede Estadual ou Municipal. O sistema foi desenvolvido para fins didáticos e estudo da matér…
HorseRace Public
HorseRace. Jogo de corrida de cavalos que implementa estudos de multi-threading, ou seja, multiprocessamento, durante estudo da matéria Sistemas Operacionais na Universidade Federal da Bahia.
Python UpdatedAug 20, 2024 -
UltimateFython Public
Ultimate Fython: a Python Competitive Programming Workshop that I conducted at Infinity School. Here you'll find all the problems and solutions, as well as the slide presentation.
Python UpdatedMay 28, 2024 -
ItauFullStackChallenger Public
This repository is my resolution to Cubo.network, a Itau project, Full-Stack developer challenger. Mainly used Python for back-end and Javascript for front-end.
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 25, 2024 -
ufba-enhacer Public
My first big side project. After suffer a lot with bad UI systems at UFBA, i wanna do it different. Enhace your UFBA experience.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 16, 2023 -
infojr-treinee Public
This repository stack up some of my activities during the infojr treinee program in 2023.02.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 13, 2023 -
list_of_words Public
Algorithm that stores words in correct Linked List data structure based on their length following ascending order in C++.
C++ UpdatedOct 30, 2023 -
algorithms-and-data-structures Public
Forked from kelvins/algorithms-and-data-structures🧮 Algorithms and Data Structures in several Programming Languages
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 13, 2023 -
aluga-facil Public
Projeto conclusão de curso: Java encontra Scrum 2023.2.
Here is some of my resolutions to competitive programming questions solved in C++, most of them got from CodeForces website.
C++ UpdatedAug 27, 2023 -
algorithms Public
Some advanced data structs and dinamic programing most used on comptetitive programming or big tech interviews
C++ UpdatedJun 24, 2023 -
college-interface Public
Interface of Unes, a fictional college that uses HTML and ''tables method''
HTML UpdatedMay 16, 2023 -
Lista de programação competitiva explorada em sala durante explicação de C++
UpdatedApr 29, 2023 -
pokeapi-react-challenger Public
React front-end and API integration practicing, using PokeAPI.
JavaScript UpdatedMar 13, 2023