PLAYA (pronounced ˈpleɪə
) is a musical theory framework aimed at creating musical phrases.
PLAYA is in active development, currently going through an alpha stage. Semver versioning will eventually come, but for the moment declare a specific version or your code might be broken.
npm install --save playa
import { Chord, Key, Rhythm } from 'playa';
// or everything
import Playa from 'playa';
const { Chord, Key, Rhythm } = require('playa');
// or everything
const Playa = require('playa');
import { Scale, createMotif } from 'playa';
const scale = new Scale('A', Scale.Major);
createMotif(scale.notes, ['4n', '2n', '8nt']);
/* =>
{ time: 0, dur: 480, next: 480, midi: 73, note: 'C#4', isRest: false },
{ time: 480, dur: 960, next: 1440, midi: 80, note: 'G#4', isRest: false },
{ time: 1440, dur: 160, next: 1600, midi: 74, note: 'D4', isRest: false }
Can be found here.