For documentation and more information about Lexical, be sure to visit the Lexical website.
Lexical official documentation
Angular playground
Requires Angular 13.0.0 or higher.
Install lexical
and lexical-angular
pnpm i lexical lexical-angular # or npm or yarn
Below is an example of a basic plain text editor using lexical and lexical-angular.
import { FormControl } from '@angular/forms';
import { LexicalComposerConfig } from 'lexical-angular';
import { EditorState } from 'lexical';
selector: 'lxc-text-editor',
template: `
<div class="editor-container" lexicalPlainText>
<div lexicalContentEditable class="editor-input"></div>
<div *lexicalPlaceholder class="editor-placeholder">
Enter some plain text...
export class PlainTextEditorComponent {
readonly editorConfig: LexicalComposerConfig = {
onError: e => throw e,
theme: {
ltr: 'ltr',
rtl: 'rtl',
placeholder: 'editor-placeholder',
paragraph: 'editor-paragraph',
editable: true,
nodes: [],
log(event: EditorState): void {