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C# application to collect weather data from the OpenWeather API

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Weather Collector

Weather Collector is a Windows Forms application written in C# that makes use of the OpenWeather API to get the current weather conditions for a specific location and store it into a SQL Server Database.

Main Application Window

History Screen

Settings Screen

Database Settings

  • Server Name - The server where the database is stored, e.g. localhost
  • Database Name - The name of the database, e.g. weatherHarvest
  • Database User - The username of a login which has access to insert and update the above database
  • Database Password - The password for the above user.

Log Location

  • Root Location - For example C:\
  • Folder Name - The folder you would like to use for logs e.g. Logs
  • File Name - The name of the log file e.g weatherHarvest.log

API Settings

  • API Key - Obtain an API key from here once you have it enter it in this box.
  • Logitude - This can be obtained from here
  • Latitude - As above this can be obtained from here
  • Units - Which unit would you like the data to be returned in metric or imperial, if neither are selected the default will be used.

Application Settings

  • Refresh Interval - This is the frequency in milliseconds that the application will request data from the API, free accounts are limited to 60 calls per minute

Database Schema

Below is a breakdown of the database schema used in the backend of this application.


Column Name DataType Constraint Default Description
runID INT Primary KEY None Uniquie key to identify the run
runTime DATETIME None None Time of the forecasted data
units varchar(10) None None Requested unit type (metric or imperial)
longitude FLOAT None None Longitude requested
latitude FLOAT None None Latitude requested
timeZone nvarchar(200) None None Timezone requested
timeZoneOffset nvarchar(200) None None Shift in seconds from UTC
invalid BIT None 0 To allow for the run to be marked as invalid
Deleted BIT None 0 To allow for the run to be deleted


Column Name DataType Constraint Default Description
ID INT Primary KEY None
runID INT Foreign KEY None Uniquie key to identify the run
rawData NVARCHAR(MAX) None None Returned JSON data


Column Name DataType Constraint Default Description
ID INT Primary KEY None
runID INT Foreign KEY None
collectionID INT None None
summary varchar(100) None None
description varchar(100) None None
icon varchar(20) None None


Column Name DataType Constraint Default Description
ID INT Primary KEY None
runID INT Foreign KEY None Unique identifier for the row of data
temperature DECIMAL(4,2) None None Temprature stored in the requested unit format
apparentTemperature DECIMAL(4,2) None None
windSpeed DECIMAL(4,2) None None
windGust DECIMAL(4,2) None None
windBearing DECIMAL(5,2) None None
dewPoint DECIMAL(4,2) None None
humidity DECIMAL(4,2) None None
pressure DECIMAL(6,2) None None
cloudCover DECIMAL(4,2) None None
uvIndex DECIMAL(4,2) None None
visibility DECIMAL(4,2) None None
ozone DECIMAL(5,2) None None


Column Name DataType Constraint Default Description
ID INT Primary KEY None Unique identifier for the row of data
Main varchar(100) None None Main summary for the icon type e.g Drizzle
Description varchar(200) None None Description of the weather type the icon represents
Icon CHAR(3) None None Icon code
IconURL nvarchar(100) None None Collection URL for the Icon

Collected Data

The API in use by Weather Collector is the One Call API from OpenWeather this returns a collection of data points however at this time not all of them are in use by the Weather Collector, the below list shows which data points are used in the API

Please note: The entire JSON response is stored in the rawWeatherData table in SQL it is just not extracted for use by the application.

It is also worth noting that not all supported data points are available in all regions, some regions may return null values.

  • lat Geographical coordinates of the location (latitude)

  • lon Geographical coordinates of the location (longitude)

  • timezone Timezone name for the requested location

  • timezone_offset Shift in seconds from UTC

  • current Data point dt refers to the requested time, rather than the current time

    • dt Requested time, Unix, UTC (This is converted to datetime in app)
    • sunrise Sunrise time, Unix, UTC (This is converted to datetime in app)
    • sunset Sunset time, Unix, UTC (This is converted to datetime in app)
    • temp Temperature.
    • feels_like Temperature.
    • pressure Atmospheric pressure on the sea level, hPa
    • humidity Humidity, %
    • dew_point Atmospheric temperature (varying according to pressure and humidity) below which water - droplets begin to condense and dew can form. Units – default: kelvin, metric: Celsius, imperial: Fahrenheit.
    • clouds Cloudiness, %
    • uvi Midday UV index
    • visibility Average visibility, metres
    • wind_speed Wind speed. Units – default: metre/sec, metric: metre/sec, imperial: miles/hour.
    • wind_gust (where available) Wind gust.
    • wind_deg Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)
    • rain (where available) Precipitation volume, mm
    • snow (where available) Snow volume, mm
      • id Weather condition id
      • main Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.)
      • description Weather condition within the group (full list of weather conditions). Currently returned in English only. Future plans include support for other languages
      • icon Weather icon id

More Information

If you are looking for more information on the OpenWeather API you can view the full documentation here

I found a bug

You can open an issue or if you would really like you can change the code yourself and submit a pull request.

I want the application to do something else

Feel free to clone the repo and make changes to suit your individual needs or you can submit an issue requesting the change.


C# application to collect weather data from the OpenWeather API






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