Mini Synth is a simple Tone.js synthesizer built with SvelteKit. It runs in all major browsers and was designed to provide Ugandan refugees with a tool to create music digitally.
Launch the production website or learn more about this project in my portfolio.
Mini Synth is built using SvelteKit, mostly written in TypeScript, and styled with Dart Sass. The production site is deployed using Vercel. All audio capabilities are built using Tone.js and all songs are stored using IndexedDB with Dexie.js.
To run the code locally, you must have Node.js installed. Then, run the following in a terminal in this project's root directory:
# this will install all dependencies
npm i
# this will start a development server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open
Commit messages are prefixed with the following labels to make them easier to read:
- ♿️A11Y: accessibility
- 🔧CNFG: configuration
- 💄CSS: styling (CSS or SCSS)
- 📐DES: design
- 📝DOC: documentation
- 🐛FIX: bug fix
- 🟠SVLT: Svelte and SvelteKit
- 🚧WIP: work in progress (broken/partial code)
- 🎉RLS: new release
This repository is separated into the designs, src, and static directories, along with a few top-level files.
├── MiniSynth-GitHub-banner.jpg GitHub banner image
├── MiniSynth-GitHub-socialPreview.jpg GitHub social preview image
└── Illustrator file with all assets
├── lib libaray of Svelte components
│ ├── SVGs all icon SVGs
│ ├── BPMslider.svelte cassette BPM slider and adjustment buttons (synth)
│ ├── cassetteHeader.svelte cassette header section (synth)
│ ├── controls.svelte cassette player controls (synth)
│ ├── envLi.svelte enviroment list item (info page)
│ ├── footer.svlete footer (index and info page)
│ ├── helpers.ts helper functions
│ ├── indexHeader.svelte header section (index page)
│ ├── keyboard.svelte piano keyboard for melody input (synth)
│ ├── keyboardControls.svelte three buttons that scroll keyboard (synth)
│ ├── reels.svelte contrainer for melody and beats tapes (synth)
│ ├── searchBar.svelte search bar (index page)
│ ├── songLi.svelte song list item (index page)
│ ├── soundboard.svelte soundboard for beats input (synth)
│ ├── synth.svelte main synthesizer (song and demo page)
│ └── tape.svelte tape (reels)
├── routes all Svelte file for different pages of the web app
│ ├── demo\[slug]
│ │ └── +page.svelte dynamic demo page that loads the [slug] demo song
│ │
│ ├── info
│ │ └── +page.svelte info page
│ │
│ ├── song\[slug]
│ │ └── +page.svelte dynamic song page that loads the [slug] song
│ │
│ ├── +layout.svelte layout file (applied to all pages)
│ └── +page.svelte index page
├── storage
│ ├── db.ts Dexie database (IndexedDB)
│ └── store.ts Svelte stores (state management)
├── styles global styling
│ ├── _colors.scss sass map with all colors
│ ├── _index.scss fowards all partial SCSS files in this folder
│ ├── _variables.scss CSS & SCSS variables
│ ├── global.scss global styles
│ ├── resets.scss style resets
│ └── typeface.scss typeface imports
├── app.d.ts type definitions
└── app.html main HTML
├── audio audio samples
├── icons web manifest icons
├── typefaces typeface files
├── app.webmanifest web manifest
├── *.png favicons and icons
└── og-image-1.jpg Open Graph image