Lupa - multi-paradigm object oriented, dynamic language
lupa <file>
run the script
lupa <file> -l
list generated Lua
Lupa is an object-oriented language which targets the LuaJIT2 VM. It supports a rich feature set inspired by Ruby (property access via methods), Perl 6 (has, method, does) and Falcon.
It also has some less commonly found features, such as parsing expression grammars (via LPeg) integrated into the language (instead of the traditional PCRE), and type guards.
Most of Lua's semantics shine through, such as Lua's for loops, 1-based arrays, first-class functions, and late binding.
However, Lupa adds several features, such as:
- classes with single inheritance
- parameterisable traits and mixin composition
- everything-is-an-object semantics
- static symbol resolution
- type guards and assertions
- language integrated grammars (via LPeg)
- bitwise operators
- continue statement
- string interpolation
- builtin Array type
- short function literals
- switch-case statement
- try-catch statement
- and more...
Here's a sample:
trait Pet[T] {
// parameterised traits with lexical scoping
has size : T
class Mammal {
has blood = "warm"
trait Named {
// default property values are lazy expressions
has name = error("A pet needs a name!")
// single inheritance with trait mixins
class Hamster from Mammal with Pet[Number], Named {
// default initializer
method init(name) {
self.size = 42
.name = name // short for = name
method greet(whom : String) {
// string interpolation
print("Hi ${whom}, I am ${.name}!")
// class bodies have lexical scope
var numbers = [ "one", "two", "three", "four", "five" ]
method count(upto) {
// short functions
upto.times((_) => { print(numbers[_]) })
// same thing, but `times' as infix operator
upto times => print(numbers[_])
var rudy ="Rudy")
For more, check out: