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passing config eqc tests
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andrewjstone committed Jun 28, 2013
1 parent 6ae3687 commit 1fd8c5b
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Showing 3 changed files with 48 additions and 45 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/rafter.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ get_leader(Peer) ->
test() ->
[rafter:start_node(P, rafter_sm_echo) || P <- [a, b, c]],
rafter:set_config(a, [a, b, c, d, e]).
[rafter:start_node(P, rafter_sm_echo) || P <- [a, b, c, d, e]].

start_cluster() ->
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23 changes: 15 additions & 8 deletions src/rafter_consensus_fsm.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -165,14 +165,21 @@ follower(#append_entries{term=Term, from=From, prev_log_index=PrevLogIndex,
%% entry in every log.
follower({set_config, {Id, NewServers}}, From,
#state{me=Me, followers=F, config=#config{state=blank}=C}=State) ->
{Followers, Config} = reconfig(Me, F, C, NewServers, State),
NewState = State#state{config=Config, followers=Followers,
init_config=[Id, From]},
%% Transition to candidate state. Once we are elected leader we will
%% send the config to the other machines. We have to do it this way so that the entry we log
%% will have a valid term and can be committed without a noop.
%% Note that all other configs must be blank on the other machines.
{next_state, candidate, NewState, 0};
case rafter_config:has_vote(Me, C) of
true ->
{Followers, Config} = reconfig(Me, F, C, NewServers, State),
NewState = State#state{config=Config, followers=Followers,
init_config=[Id, From]},
%% Transition to candidate state. Once we are elected leader we will
%% send the config to the other machines. We have to do it this way
%% so that the entry we log will have a valid term and can be
%% committed without a noop. Note that all other configs must
%% be blank on the other machines.
{next_state, candidate, NewState, 0};
false ->
Error = {error, not_consensus_group_member},
{reply, Error, follower, State, ?timeout()}
follower({set_config, _}, _From, #state{leader=Leader}=State) ->
Reply = {error, {redirect, Leader}},
{reply, Reply, follower, State, ?timeout()};
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67 changes: 32 additions & 35 deletions test/rafter_config_eqc.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,38 +59,22 @@ cleanup(_) ->

initial_state() ->
#state{running = [a, b, c, d, e],
config = #config{state=blank}}.
config = blank}.

command(_S) ->
oneof([{call, rafter, set_config, [server(), servers()]}]).

%% Ensure the peer we are talking to is at least running. If there is no config
%% yet then it should also be a member of the group it's trying to create.
precondition(#state{running=Running, config=blank},
{call, rafter, set_config, [Peer, NewServers]}) ->
lists:member(Peer, Running) andalso lists:member(Peer, NewServers);

%% There is no point of talking to a node that isn't running. That would be user error.
%% The peer we want to talk to should either be a member of the current consensus
%% group or the config is blank and the peer is part of the new config.
precondition(#state{running=Running, config=C}, {call, rafter, set_config, [Peer, NewServers]}) ->
lists:member(Peer, Running) andalso (rafter_config:has_vote(Peer, C) orelse
(C#config.state =:= blank andalso lists:member(Peer, NewServers))).

%% Transition to stable state, because it's likely the new servers aren't
%% running during tests.
next_state(#state{config=#config{state=blank}}=S, _,
{call, rafter, set_config, [_Peer, NewServers]}) ->
S#state{config=#config{state=stable, oldservers=NewServers}};

%% The config succeeded
next_state(S, {ok, Config, _}, {call, rafter, set_config, [_Peer, _NewServers]}) ->

%% We aren't sure what the config is after a timeout. In this case we 'reload' our config
%% Timeouts during config should only occur when a majority of servers aren't up. Since the
%% server we are talking to is up and leader, it will keep trying to set this config.
%% In this case we set the 'proposed config' so that the postconditions
%% can be verified for a timeout.
next_state(S, {error, timeout, _}, {call, rafter, set_config, [Peer, _NewServers]}) ->
Config = rafter_log:get_config(Peer ++ "_log"),
precondition(#state{running=Running}, {call, rafter, set_config, [Peer, _]}) ->
lists:member(Peer, Running).

next_state(#state{config=blank}=S, _, _) ->
next_state(S, _, _) ->

Expand All @@ -99,33 +83,46 @@ postcondition(_S, {call, rafter, set_config, [Peer, _NewServers]}, {error, {redi
rafter:get_leader(Peer) =:= Leader;

%% Config set successfully
postcondition(_s, {call, rafter, set_config, _args}, {ok, _newconfig, _id}) ->
postcondition(_S, {call, rafter, set_config, _args}, {ok, _newconfig, _id}) ->

postcondition(#state{config=C, running=Running}, {call, rafter, set_config, [Peer, _]},
postcondition(#state{running=Running}, {call, rafter, set_config, [Peer, _]},
{error, peers_not_responding}) ->
majority_not_running(Peer, C, Running);
Config = get_config(Peer),
majority_not_running(Peer, Config, Running);

postcondition(#state{config=C, running=Running}, {call, rafter, set_config, [Peer, _]},
postcondition(#state{running=Running}, {call, rafter, set_config, [Peer, _]},
{error, election_in_progress}) ->
majority_not_running(Peer, C, Running);
Config = get_config(Peer),
majority_not_running(Peer, Config, Running);

%% We either can't reach a majority of peers or this peer is not part of the consensus group
postcondition(#state{config=C, running=Running},
{call, rafter, set_config, [Peer, _NewServers]}, {error, timeout, _}) ->
C = get_config(Peer),
majority_not_running(Peer, C, Running) orelse not lists:member(Peer, C#config.oldservers);

postcondition(#state{config=C}, {call, rafter, set_config, _}, {error, config_in_progress}) ->
postcondition(_S, {call, rafter, set_config, [Peer, _]},
{error, not_consensus_group_member}) ->
C = get_config(Peer),
false =:= rafter_config:has_vote(Peer, C);

postcondition(_S, {call, rafter, set_config, [Peer, _]}, {error, config_in_progress}) ->
C = get_config(Peer),
C#config.state =:= transitional;

{call, rafter, set_config, [_Peer, NewServers]}, {error, not_modified}) ->
{call, rafter, set_config, [Peer, NewServers]}, {error, not_modified}) ->
C = get_config(Peer),
C#config.oldservers =:= NewServers.

%% ====================================================================
%% EQC Properties
%% ====================================================================

get_config(Name) ->

logname(FsmName) ->
list_to_atom(atom_to_list(FsmName) ++ "_log").

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