Salesforce grammars for tree-sitter, including Apex, SOQL, and SOSL languages.
Try it out using our playground
Most of the parsers are built and tested on large corpus of Apex, I still intend to write automated tests that parse large Apex libraries as part of evaluating the grammar.
- grammar
- grammar tests
- highlighting queries
- highlighting tests
- tags queries
- tags tests (could use more)
- locals queries
- locals tests (using highlighting)
- grammar
- grammar tests
- highlighting queries
- highlighting tests
- tags queries
- tags tests (could use more)
- locals queries
- locals tests (using highlighting)
This won't be difficult, I just haven't tackled it yet, will largely reuse the Apex grammar with some different construction rules.
- grammar
- grammar tests
- highlighting queries
- highlighting tests
- grammar
- grammar tests
- highlighting queries
- highlighting tests
(not sure tags and locals are relevant to query grammars)
Please open an issue on this repo and we'll work through it.
Still figuring this out. By far the most useful contributions would be tests, if you have a scenario that doesn't work you can just provide the example or open a PR with a new failing test and I can figure out what to do about it.