menu-shopping Public
Forked from lpaglione/menu-shoppingAn App to create a shopping list based on a weekly menu
HTML UpdatedNov 26, 2016 -
watchify Public
Forked from browserify/watchifywatch mode for browserify builds
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 4, 2016 -
browserify-rails Public
Forked from browserify-rails/browserify-railsBrowserify + Rails = CommonJS Heaven
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 3, 2015 -
react-native Public
Forked from facebook/react-nativeA framework for building native apps with React.
JavaScript Other UpdatedMay 12, 2015 -
bomberman-pygame Public
Old code when I was learning python, created a simple bomberman game with multiplayer option.
fireflies Public
Graphics. Takes a night time cityscape image and simulates lights.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 27, 2013 -
find-my-ios-device Public
iCloud - Find my iPhone ruby port from Tyler Hall's Sosumi
contour-detection Public
Java GUI Application that allows you to open an edge and it calculates the edges between two points.
boxie-boxen Public
Forked from boxen/our-boxenCopy me for your team.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 2, 2013 -
netlogo Public
Forked from CoderDojoNYC/netlogoNetLogo Lessons / Reference Guide
JavaScript UpdatedMay 6, 2013 -
Hacky Public
Forked from eliaskg/HackyHacky for Mac provides browsing Hacker News in a clean and minimalistic way.
Objective-C GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 UpdatedApr 10, 2013 -
hubot-scripts Public
Forked from github/hubot-scriptsoptional scripts for hubot, opt in via hubot-scripts.json
citizens-school-spring-2012 Public
Citizens School Spring 2012: Girl Coders Apprenticeship [Keynotes + Supporting Documents]
2 UpdatedApr 24, 2012 -
whatchamacallit Public
A trunk full of random scripts, projects, files.
station-five Public
GirlCoders: Educational HTML Learning / Review Game
ruby-mmo Public
Forked from reedlaw/ruby-mmoRuby MMO: massively multiplayer online programming challenge