This repo represents a very simple batch job prediction with machine learning. To increment its maturity some test, machine learning metrics validation, and containerization (docker) could be added.
This repo contains a main package experiment
. There is also 2 data folders 1) data
, and 2) ml
that respectively contains 1) the dataset, a sample json (for testing prediction), and a pickle file containing the split done for experimentation during the Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), and 2) a machine learning model persisted with joblib.
The suggested order to explore this is:
contains a simple Exploratory Data Analysis, simple analysis, and some experimentation preparation.experiment
package contains a
script which sould allow us to run a cross validation experiment over the provided data.experiment
package contains as
script which should allow us to run a prediction over the sample json using the saved machine learning model (best model obtained during training).
Once you have this folder on your machine you will need Poetry. Install it if you don't have it already. You also need Python version ">=3.10,<3.11".
I suggest you create a virtual environment for this, if you use virtualenv
you can just run:
make env
and then activate the virtualen environment running source venv/bin/activate
To install this application run:
make install
After installing Poetry, and succesfully running the command above, you should be able to run the application commands below:
To run an experiment:
python experiment/
To run a prediction:
python -m experiment.predict
These commands should be run in the order presented here. As the first should generate a machine learning model file inside ml
folder. The final prediction output of the data_sample.json
will be generated inside the ml
folder too, as final_output.json
Running the commands above you should see logs similar to below:
» python experiment/
INFO:root:reading file: data/dataset_test_ds_v2-Atualizado.csv
INFO:root:saved the model with results below:
INFO:root: balanced_accuracy_score: 0.566
INFO:root: recall_score: 0.292
INFO:root:saved the model with results below:
INFO:root: balanced_accuracy_score: 0.669
INFO:root: recall_score: 0.500
INFO:root:saved the model with results below:
INFO:root: balanced_accuracy_score: 0.683
INFO:root: recall_score: 0.542
INFO:root: balanced_accuracy_score: 0.536
INFO:root: recall_score: 0.250
INFO:root: balanced_accuracy_score: 0.585
INFO:root: recall_score: 0.333
» poetry run python experiment/
INFO:root:validating payload file...
INFO:root:getting data from file: data/data_sample.json
INFO:root:getting data from file: ml/clf.joblib
INFO:root:running predictions...
INFO:root:[{0: 0}, {1: 1}]