Find relevant emoji from text on the command-line
Uses the API from this great article on Emoji & Deep Learning.
Check out the Dango app if you want something like this on your phone.
Ensure you have Node.js version 4 or higher installed. Then run the following:
$ npm install --global emoj
Works best on macOS. Terminals on Linux render emojis in monochrome as they don't support color emojis. On Linux, I would recommend installing Emoji One for full emoji coverage. Doesn't really work on Windows.
$ emoj --help
$ emoj [text]
$ emoj 'i love unicorns'
🦄 🎠 🐴 🐎 ❤ ✨ 🌈
Run it without arguments to enter the live search
- alfred-emoj - Alfred plugin
MIT © Sindre Sorhus