This is an Unofficial Chat-GPT Api built with Flask & playwright. This Flask Project act as a Wrapper around ChatGpt.
- You need to have python installed. You can install it from microsoft store or follow this guide.
It’s a common practice to have your Python apps and their instances running in virtual environments. Virtual environments allow different package sets and configurations to run simultaneously, and avoid conflicts due to incompatible package versions.
Create a Virtual Enviroment in python by executing following command.
$ python3 -m venv env
activate the virtual environment.
# On Unix or MacOS (bash shell):
# On Unix or MacOS (csh shell):
# On Unix or MacOS (fish shell):
# On Windows (command prompt):
# On Windows (PowerShell):
now install all the dependencies.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Thats it! You are ready to go.
run the Project by executing this.
$ python3
Project will be available on
GET /chat
POST /chat/${q}
Parameter | Type | Description |
q |
string |
Required. message that you want to pass |
regenerate the Session
POST /regenerate/
reset the Session
POST /reset/
restart the Session
POST /restart/
These are the Demo of the Api.
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at [email protected]
print('Code by Rimmel with ❤')