Support code for ASK Developer Training Course for multiple locales. This is progressive code that starts from scratch and adds features on each module. The Learn more links below are suitable for teaching how to code Alexa skills (see the README file on each module for instructions on how to evolve the code departing from the previous module).
- Development and Production Lambda Stages (AHS branches)
- Lambda Dependencies (package.json, requires in code)
- Handler as processor of incoming requests. Handler structure
- Request Types (LaunchRequest, IntentRequest, SessionEndedRequest)
- Skill Builder (custom vs standard) and its functions
- Reflector (catch all intent handler)
- Out-of-domain utterances (*)
- Multiple models per locale
- Key/value string resources for i18n
- Enriching handlerInput with t function via interceptor
- Attribute manager as key/value store
- High level attribute types (session(short term), persistent(long term))
- Changing locale on Build tab and on Test tab (test both locales)
- Slots explanation
- Built in and custom slot types
- Synonyms (minimal, we're not using synonyms, eg. January -> first month)
- Required Slots & Prompts
- Slot Validation
- Auto-Delegate, Dialog Delegation Strategy
- Utterance Profiler
- Intent Confirmation
- Basic Intent Chaining
- Session attributes
- Persistent attributes
- Persistence adapters (S3 and DynamoDB) / detect if lambda is Alexa hosted
- Copy session attributes to and from persistent attributes via interceptors
- Async/await
- Session counter (to say eg. "welcome back")
- Service API (User Profile API - given name)
- Settings API (timezone)
- SSML (speechcons and audio files)
- Array capable localisation interceptor
- String replacement with plurals support
- Reminders API
- AMAZON.SearchQuery
- Intent Confirmation (again)
- Fetch external API (async/await)
- Progressive Response
- APL RenderDocument and APL Directive
- APL Databinding and APL Authoring Tool
- APL Styles, Layouts and ViewPorts
- APL Transformers (Text to Hint)
- Home Cards
- Media storage in Alexa-hosted Skills
- APL Authoring Tool
- APL Layouts & Sequences
- APL Transformers (Text to Hint)
- APL Touch Wrapper
- Configuring the ASK-CLI with personal AWS account support
- Cloning an Alexa Hosted Skill
- Editing a skill in code and deploying the skill
This library is licensed under the Amazon Software License