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Yet Another BetterDiscord Plugin for Nitro features. Unlock screensharing modes, use cross-server and gif emotes and much more!


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Probably the best "Nitro plugin" out there.

YABDP4Nitro is a feature-rich BetterDiscord plugin designed to enhance your Discord experience. This plugin offers various functionality such as customizable screensharing quality, emoji bypasses, profile accents, client themes, and more!

Raw File Link: YABDP4Nitro.plugin.js

Table of Contents:


Fully Customizable Screensharing Quality, FPS, and Bitrate

Stream at any resolution, framerate, and bitrate you want! Who needs Nitro?

Choosing Quality and FPS Options

Another Image

Bitrate Options

Emoji Bypasses

Allows you to seamlessly use animated emojis and emojis from any server you're in by linking or uploading them!

Upload Emotes

Automatically uploads the emojis used in your message as an attachment!

Uploading Demonstration

Ghost Mode

Hide the link(s) to any emoji(s) you send by automatically using a "ghost message"! It is a bit more laggy and may be detected as spam by some bots.

Ghost Mode Image Demonstration

Hyperlink / Vencord-Like Mode

Puts the emoji into a hyperlink like Vencord fakemojis.

vencord-like demo gif

Fake Inline Hyperlink Emojis

The Fake Inline Hyperlink Emojis option will replace these hyperlinks with fake emojis on the client side.





Classic Mode

Simply replaces the emoji in the message with its' URL. This is "classic mode".

Usage of the Emoji Bypass

Emoji Demonstration


Profile Accents for All Users

visual difference with it on<--[New Look] [Original Look]-->visual difference with it off

To clarify: What this does is make all profiles render with the gradient accent on the client-side.

We'll get into profile accents that other users can see in a second.

Fake Profile Themes

Allows profile theming by hiding color information in your bio using invisible 3y3 encoding!
Works effectively exactly the same as FakeProfileThemes on Vencord, but on BetterDiscord!

Fake Profile Themes Demonstration

Happy theming!

Note that only users that have either YABDP4Nitro, FakeProfileThemes (Vencord), UnrealProfileThemes (Enmity), or a similar plugin (that decodes 3y3-encoded profile colors) installed will be able to see the profile colors.

Fake Profile Banners

Uses invisible 3y3 encoding to allow setting profile banners by hiding the image URL in your bio.
Only supports Imgur URLs for security reasons.

Fake Profile Banners Big Yosher

To use Fake Profile Banners, go to Settings>Profiles. You should see a new text input and "Copy Banner 3y3" button under the Profile Banners section:

Banner Tutorial Sceenshot

Simply type/paste in an Imgur URL into the input area

( ex: )

Then, click the "Copy 3y3" button to the right of the input area, paste your clipboard into your "About Me" (or bio) and save.

The banner should appear in the "Try It Out" preview to let you know that it is working correctly.

Note that only other users with YABDP4Nitro installed and enabled will be able to see this.

Fake Avatar Decorations

Uses invisible 3y3 encoding to allow setting avatar decorations by hiding IDs in your bio or custom status.

avatar decoration demonstration

To use Fake Avatar Decorations, go to Settings>Profiles you should see a new button under Avatar Decoration.


Clicking this button will reveal a menu with each of the avatar decorations in a grid.

avatar decorations

Clicking one of these avatar decorations will copy the invisible 3y3-encoded data into your clipboard.
Now follow one or both (for the best effect, do both!) of the following methods to apply the avatar decoration to your profile:

Custom Status Now that you have the 3y3 encoded data in your clipboard:

Close settings by pressing Escape or hitting the button labeled ESC in the top right.

Click on your profile in the bottom left to open this menu:


Click the button to add/edit your custom status and paste your clipboard into your status.

Note that if you are using the Custom Status method only, it will only appear for other YABDP4Nitro users when you are online.

You should now see the avatar decoration appear around your profile picture!

About Me / Profile Bio Now that you have the 3y3 encoded data in your clipboard:
Paste your clipboard into the About Me section of your profile.


decoration demonstration

Note: If your Avatar Decoration is in the About Me section of your profile, it will only appear for other users after they have opened your profile at least once.

Any other user of YABDP4Nitro with Fake Avatar Decorations enabled will now be able to see your avatar decoration.

Fake Profile Effects

Uses invisible 3y3 encoding to allow setting profile effects by hiding IDs in your bio.

profile effect example

To use Fake Profile Effects, first go to Settings>Profiles; you should see a Profile Effect section:

Profile Effect section

Clicking the new "Change Effect [YABDP4Nitro]" button should reveal a menu with all of the available profile effects:

profile effect section opened

(The menu will automatically populate with any new profile effects that Discord may add in the future.)

Clicking one of these profile effects will copy the invisible 3y3-encoded data into your clipboard.
Now all you have to do is paste your clipboard into the "About Me" section of your profile and click Save Changes!

profile effects settings demonstration

Any other user of YABDP4Nitro with Fake Profile Effects enabled will now be able to see your profile effect!

Fake Profile Pictures

Uses invisible 3y3 encoding to allow setting custom profile pictures by hiding an image URL in your status.
Only supports Imgur URLs for security reasons.

fake-pfp demonstration

To use Fake Profile Pictures, first go to Settings>Profiles; you should see a new input & button:

fake pfp setting section

Now paste an Imgur URL (ex: into the box and click the "Copy 3y3" to the right!

fakepfp demo

Assuming nothing goes wrong, you should see "3y3 copied to clipboard!" appear at the bottom of the window.

Now, close Settings and click your profile in the bottom left of the window.
You should see the following:


Choose the option to set your custom status, and paste your clipboard anywhere into your custom status.

You should now see your profile picture change to the desired image!

Note that only other others of the plugin will be able to see your fake profile picture.

Note: Because this uses Custom Status, you must be appearing Online, Idle, or Do Not Disturb for this to work!


Clips Kung Fu Panda Example

Increases the file upload limit for video files to 100 MB by sending them as "Discord Clip"s.

It works by first using FFmpeg.WASM to transmux to "isom"-branded MP4 without re-encoding (unless it's already an "isom"-branded MP4), and then appending a special tag that the Discord API specifically checks for to the file in order for it to be considered "valid".

The plugin does everything automatically, so all you'll need to do is upload the video as you usually would, and enjoy the higher 100MB file limit!


Nitro Client Themes

Allows you to use the Nitro-exclusive gradient client themes by Discord.

Crimson Moon Nitro Client Theme

Nitro Client Theme Options

Remove Screenshare Nitro Upsell

Removes the annoying Nitro upsell in the screen share quality menu.

Discord_voeTC4w6lE Discord_2s1O1PplCu

In-App Icons

Nitro In-App icons are unlocked.

App Icons

Frequently Asked Questions

Go here for the FAQ and installation instructions!

If your question isn't there and you think it should be there, write a comment below that issue.

If you have any other questions, you may DM me directly if you wish, otherwise you can make a new Issue with your question, and I'll try to answer it to the best of my abilities.

Reporting Issues

To report an issue, please open a new issue on the Issues page of this GitHub repository with a clear description of the problem and any steps to reproduce it.


If you would like to contribute to the project, there are several ways to do so. You can:

  • Submit a bug report or feature request
  • Fork the repository and make changes
  • Submit a pull request to merge your changes back into the main branch

Thank you for your interest in contributing to YABDP4Nitro!


Significant contributions to the plugin will earn you a special YABDP4Nitro Contributor Badge (that you can brag about to your friends)!

Special thanks to:

  • Weblure for making multiple code contributions!
  • Kozhura_ubezhishe_player_fly for creating and designing the YABDP4Nitro User Badge!
  • Moeefa for committing a bugfix!
  • HunBun for being the brains behind the Discord Clips Bypass!
  • Arven for teaching me how to use BdApi.Webpack.getMangled, giving code for improved module filters, and teaching me about some filter options I didn't know about.

Thank you all so much for your effort in making this plugin great!

Recommended additional plugins for more Nitro features

FreeStickers by An00nymushun - Unlocked Sticker sending through converting to and uploading as a GIF. (Fixed fork is linked until the original repository is fixed)

SplitLargeMessages by DevilBro - Send longer messages!

SplitLargeFiles by ImTheSquid - Send large files by splitting them up into 25 megabyte chunks! YABDP4Nitro-compatible fork created by me.


The plugin is licensed under the NPOSL Version 3 License. You can find it here.

This software is provided on an "AS IS" BASIS and WITHOUT WARRANTY, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY OF THIS SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. This DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY constitutes an essential part of this License. No license to the Original Work is granted by this License except under this disclaimer.

Discord Server

Please read this README and the FAQ before joining just to ask stupid questions that 100 people have already asked before. It's really annoying.


If you want to show your love for the plugin, (or just put a middle finger to Discord's face) it would really mean the world to me if you threw me a few bucks. Very few people actually donate, so I see and appreciate every last one.

Methods of donations without fees are obviously preferred. See more info below.

To avoid repeating myself, assume that an additional 3% fee will be applied if you use a credit card.


Using a P2P payment processor will ensure that 100% of your donation will be received and none will be taken by transaction fees (unless you choose to use an instant transfer).


Fees Info


Fees Info

QR Code:

Payment Processor(s) with no fee

GitHub Sponsors is the only one I've found so far.

GitHub Sponsors

-Have to use a credit or debit card.

Apparently no credit card fee either? Someone test this for me ;)

Payment Processors with a fee

Using one of these will subtract some fee, either taking the fee from you or from me (usually from me).


Routed through PayPal, so same fee as PayPal.

Send me some dosh at


I will be able to see your full name and email if PayPal is used.
Although I won't do anything with it, if this makes you uncomfortable, consider using something else.

Donation fee of 2.89% of payment + $0.49 ( + 1.5% if you're not in the United States + currency conversion if applicable) taken from me.

Fees Info


8% fee + payment processing fees depending on what processor you used + currency conversion fees (if applicable).
Plus a $0.25 fee whenever I cash out.
Seriously dastardly fees, all taken from the creator! Shameful!
Stay away from this shit unless you have to for some reason!

Fees Info


100% anonymous. Not sure if I set it up correctly, shoot me a DM if I screwed this up.
Some fees are involved with these, but if you're actually using this, you already knew that.

BTC Address


Monero Address



Yet Another BetterDiscord Plugin for Nitro features. Unlock screensharing modes, use cross-server and gif emotes and much more!








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