Authors: Dongfu Jiang, Xiang Ren, Bill Yuchen Lin @ AI2-Mosaic USC-INK
We introduce LLM-Blender, an innovative ensembling framework to attain consistently superior performance by leveraging the diverse strengths of multiple open-source large language models (LLMs). LLM-Blender cut the weaknesses through ranking and integrate the strengths through fusing generation to enhance the capability of LLMs.
Our framework consists of two complementary modules: PairRanker and GenFuser, addressing the observation that optimal LLMs for different examples can significantly vary. PairRanker employs a specialized pairwise comparison method to distinguish subtle differences between candidate outputs. GenFuser aims to merge the top-ranked candidates from the aggregation of PairRanker's pairwise comparisons into an improved output by capitalizing on their strengths and mitigating their weaknesses.
To facilitate large-scale evaluation, we introduce a benchmark dataset, MixInstruct, which is a mixture of multiple instruction datasets featuring oracle pairwise comparisons for testing purposes. Our LLM-Blender significantly surpasses the best LLMs and baseline ensembling methods across various metrics on MixInstruct, establishing a substantial performance gap.
git clone
cd LLM-Blender
pip install -e .
Then you are good to go through our LLM-Blender with import llm_blender
- Please first download our DeBERTa-v3-large PairRanker checkpoint to your local folder: checkpoint link
import llm_blender
ranker_config = llm_blender.RankerConfig
ranker_config.ranker_type = "pairranker"
ranker_config.model_type = "deberta"
ranker_config.model_name = "microsoft/deberta-v3-large"
ranker_config.load_checkpoint = "<your checkpoint path>"
ranker_config.cache_dir = "./hf_models"
ranker_config.source_max_length = 128
ranker_config.candidate_max_length = 128
ranker_config.n_tasks = 1
fuser_config = llm_blender.GenFuserConfig
fuser_config.model_name = "llm-blender/gen_fuser_3b"
fuser_config.cache_dir = "./hf_models"
fuser_config.max_length = 512
fuser_config.candidate_max_length = 128
blender_config = llm_blender.BlenderConfig
blender_config.device = "cuda"
blender = llm_blender.Blender(blender_config, ranker_config, fuser_config)
- Then you can rank with the following function
inputs = ["input1", "input2"]
candidates_texts = [["candidate1 for input1", "candidatefor input1"], ["candidate1 for input2", "candidate2 for input2"]]
ranks = blender.rank(inputs, candidates_texts, return_scores=False, batch_size=2)
# ranks is a list of ranks where ranks[i][j] represents the ranks of candidate-j for input-i
- You can fuse the top-ranked candidates with the following code
from llm_blender.blender.blender_utils import get_topk_candidates_from_ranks
topk_candidates = get_topk_candidates_from_ranks(ranks, candidates_texts, top_k=3)
fuse_generations = blender.fuse(inputs, topk_candidates, batch_size=2)
# fuse_generations are the fused generations from our fine-tuned checkpoint
- You can also do the rank and fusion as a whole
fuse_generations, ranks = blender.rank_and_fuse(inputs, candidates_texts, return_scores=False, batch_size=2, top_k=3)
- Using llm-blender to directly compare two candidates
candidates_A = [cands[0] for cands in candidates]
candidates_B = [cands[1] for cands in candidates]
comparison_results =, candidates_A, candidates_B)
# comparison_results is a list of bool, where element[i] denotes whether candidates_A[i] is better than candidates_B[i] for inputs[i]
- Check more details on our example jupyter notebook usage:
- To facilitate large-scale evaluation, we introduce a benchmark dataset, MixInstruct, which is a mixture of multiple instruction datasets featuring oracle pairwise comparisons for testing purposes.
- MixInstruct is the first large-scale dataset consisting of responses from 11 popular open-source LLMs on the instruction-following dataset. Each split of train/val/test contains 100k/5k/5k examples.
- MixInstruct instruct is collected from 4 famous instruction dataset: Alpaca-GPT4, Dolly-15k, GPT4All-LAION and ShareGPT. The ground-truth outputs comes from either ChatGPT, GPT-4 or human annotations.
- MixInstruct is evaluated by both auto-metrics including BLEURT, BARTScore, BERTScore, etc. and ChatGPT. We provide 4771 examples on test split that is evaluated by ChatGPT through pariwise comparison.
- Code to construct the dataset:
- HuggingFace 🤗 Dataset link
See more details in
Please follow the guide in the script to train the ranker.
Here are some explanations for the script parameters:
Changing the torchrun cmd
TORCHRUN_CMD=<you torchrun cmd path>
Normally, it's just torchrun
with proper conda env activated.
Changing the dataset
dataset="<your dataset>`
Changing the ranker backbone
backbone_type="deberta" # "deberta" or "roberta"
backbone_name="microsoft/deberta-v3-large" # "microsoft/deberta-v3-large" or "roberta-large"
Changing the ranker type
ranker="Pairranker" # "PairRanker" or "Summaranker" or "SimCLS"
Filter the candidates used
candidate_model="flan-t5-xxl" # or "alpaca-native"
n_candidates=15 # number of candidates to generate
using_metrics="rouge1,rouge2,rougeLsum,bleu" # metrics used to train the signal
Do Training or Inference
do_inference=False # training
do_inference=True # inference
When doing inference, you can change inference_mode
to bubble
or full
to select difference pairwise inference model
Limit the datasize used for training, dev and test
max_train_data_size=-1 # -1 means no limit
max_eval_data_size=-1 # -1 means no limit
max_predict_data_size=-1 # -1 means no limit
Do inference on dataset A with ranker training on dataset B
- LLM-Gen: A simple generation script used to get large-scale responses from various large language models.
Model checkpoints
PairRanker checkpoint fine-tuned on DeBERTa-v3-Large (304m)
GenFuser checkpoint fine-tuned on Flan-T5-XL (3b)
title = "LLM-Blender: Ensembling Large Language Models with Pairwise Comparison and Generative Fusion",
author = "Jiang, Dongfu and Ren, Xiang and Lin, Bill Yuchen",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 61th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2023)",
year = "2023"