Tags: rishabh001995/PowerShell
* v6.2.0 - 03/28/2019 *** Breaking Changes - Fix `-NoEnumerate` behavior in `Write-Output` to be consistent with Windows PowerShell (PowerShell#9069) (Thanks @vexx32!) *** Engine Updates and Fixes - Add PowerShell remoting enable/disable cmdlet warning messages (PowerShell#9203) - Fix for `FormatTable` remote deserialization regression (PowerShell#9116) - Update the task-based `async` APIs added to PowerShell to return a Task object directly (PowerShell#9079) - Add 5 `InvokeAsync` overloads and `StopAsync` to the `PowerShell` type (PowerShell#8056) (Thanks @KirkMunro!) *** General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Enable `SecureString` cmdlets for non-Windows by storing the plain text (PowerShell#9199) - Add Obsolete message to `Send-MailMessage` (PowerShell#9178) - Fix `Restart-Computer` to work on `localhost` when WinRM is not present (PowerShell#9160) - Make `Start-Job` throw terminating error when PowerShell is being hosted (PowerShell#9128) - Update version for `PowerShell.Native` and hosting tests (PowerShell#8983) *** Tools - Adding `CmdletsToExport` and `AliasesToExport` to test module manifests. (PowerShell#9108) (Thanks @powercode!) - Comment cleanup in `releaseTools.psm1` (PowerShell#9064) (Thanks @RDIL!) *** Tests - Fix `Enter-PSHostProcess` tests flakiness (PowerShell#9007) - Add tests for command globbing (PowerShell#9180) - Add source for `Install-package` to install `netDumbster` (PowerShell#9081) (Thanks @Geweldig!) - Fix tab completion test to handle multiple matches (PowerShell#8891) - Refactor macOS and Linux CI so that tests run in parallel (PowerShell#9056, PowerShell#9209) - Added `RequireSudoOnUnix` tags to `PowerShellGet` tests and remove `-pending` parameter (PowerShell#8954) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Pending `NamedPipeConnectionInfo` test (PowerShell#9003) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Add test for `-WhatIf` for `New-FileCatalog` (PowerShell#8966) (Thanks @mjanko5!) *** Build and Packaging Improvements - Performance improvements for release build (PowerShell#9179) - Add `tsaVersion` property as `TsaV1` for compliance build phase (PowerShell#9176) - Publish global tool packages to `pwshtool` blob and bug fixes (PowerShell#9163) - Translate Skipped test results into something Azure DevOps does **not** understand (PowerShell#9124) - Disable Homebrew analytics in macOS VSTS builds (PowerShell#9130) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Remove AppVeyor references from packaging tools (PowerShell#9117) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Fixed Dockerfile syntax highlighting (PowerShell#8991) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Fix dependencies of NuGet build to wait on DEB uploads to finish (PowerShell#9118) - Fix artifact download issue in release build (PowerShell#9095) - Publish test package on release builds (PowerShell#9063) - Bump `Microsoft.PowerShell.Native` from `6.2.0-rc.1` to `6.2.0` (PowerShell#9200) - Bump `NJsonSchema` from `9.13.19` to `9.13.27` (PowerShell#9044, PowerShell#9136, PowerShell#9166, PowerShell#9172, PowerShell#9184 PowerShell#9196) - Bump `PowerShellGet` from `2.0.4` to `2.1.1` in /src/Modules (PowerShell#9110, PowerShell#9145) - Bump `SelfSignedCertificate` in `/test/tools/Modules` (PowerShell#9055) *** Documentation and Help Content - Update docs for `6.2.0-rc.1` release (PowerShell#9022)
* Breaking Changes - Make `Join-String -InputObject 1,2,3` result equal to `1,2,3 | Join-String` result (PowerShell#8611) (Thanks @sethvs!) * Engine Updates and Fixes - Improve check for developer mode by checking minimum required build number (PowerShell#8749) - Simplify the declaration of new experimental features (PowerShell#8726) - Remove AMSI uninitialized assert and replace with call to uninitialized (PowerShell#8713) - Port Security bypass fixes from 6.1.3 (PowerShell#8915) - Enable discovering modules that have names same as a culture (e.g. `Az`) (PowerShell#8777) - Flatten interface hierarchy when generating properties that implement interface properties (PowerShell#8382) (Thanks @IISResetMe!) - Don't use Win32 native APIs on non-Windows for cryptography of secure string over remoting (PowerShell#8746) - Allow `.exe` files to be used as IL binary modules (PowerShell#7281) - Remove unused cached types (PowerShell#9015) * Experimental Features - Add the experimental feature for creating `Temp:\` drive when `FileSystemProvider` initializes (PowerShell#8696) - Move `CommandNotFoundException` suggestion to an experimental feature (PowerShell#8805) * General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Correctly Report impact level when `SupportsShouldProcess` is not set to 'true' (PowerShell#8209) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Fix Request Charset Issues in Web Cmdlets (PowerShell#8742) (Thanks @markekraus!) - Refactor `ConvertTo-Json` to expose `JsonObject.ConvertToJson` as a public API (PowerShell#8682) - Add `-CustomPipeName` to `pwsh` and `Enter-PSHostProcess` (PowerShell#8889) - Add configurable maximum depth in `ConvertFrom-Json` with `-Depth` (PowerShell#8199) (Thanks @louistio!) - Enable creating relative symbolic links on Windows with `New-Item` (PowerShell#8783) - Parse numeric strings as numbers again during conversions (PowerShell#8681) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Expose file attributes of `OneDrive` placeholders (PowerShell#8745) (Thanks @sba923!) - Enable `Write-Information` to accept `$null` (PowerShell#8774) - Adding parameter `ReplyTo` to `Send-MailMessage` (PowerShell#8727) (Thanks @replicaJunction!) - Fix `Get-Help` `PSTypeName` issue with `-Parameter` when only one parameter is declared (PowerShell#8754) (Thanks @pougetat!) * Code Cleanup - Use HTTPS in URLs where available (PowerShell#8622) (Thanks @xtqqczze!) - Update code to use single method to check if path is UNC (PowerShell#8680) - Fix typo: `aganist` `against` (PowerShell#8943) (Thanks @lupino3!) - Use the `OperationCancellationException` to replace the `StoppingException` in `ConvertToJson` (PowerShell#8920) - Fix style issues in CSV cmdlets (PowerShell#8894) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Fix `LGTM` issues (PowerShell#8843) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Fix length check in `PSSnapinQualifiedName.GetInstance()` (PowerShell#8837) (Thanks @hvitved!) - Reduce string allocations when formatting file system objects. (PowerShell#8831) (Thanks @powercode!) - Fix many instances of CodeFactor style issue `A single-line comment must not be followed by a blank line` (PowerShell#8825) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Refactor `appveyor.psm1` to `ci.psm1` (PowerShell#8733, PowerShell#8854, PowerShell#8709, PowerShell#8756, PowerShell#8867) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Refactor `travis.ps1` into `ci.psm1` (PowerShell#8822, PowerShell#8888) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Fix Markdown lint issues (PowerShell#8929) - Fix code-of-conduct linting (PowerShell#8896) (Thanks @RDIL!) * Tools - Fix broken reference (PowerShell#8753) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Remove `GitKracken` files from `.gitignore` (PowerShell#8743) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Update path of `test\xUnit\xUnit.tests.csproj` in `PowerShell.sln` (PowerShell#8730) (Thanks @markekraus!) - Ignore files added by `SelfSignedCertificate` (PowerShell#8728) (Thanks @markekraus!) - Build Global tool for PowerShell and SDK container (PowerShell#8984) - Add Experimental Features to change log creation (PowerShell#8827) - Remove unneeded `Invoke-Expression` on unvalidated input (PowerShell#8826) - Update CLA pull request labeling info (PowerShell#8820) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Update some info in `md-link-checks` (PowerShell#8757) (Thanks @RDIL!) * Tests - Fix `Enter-PSHostProcess` test to wait until runspace is ready before attempting to enter (PowerShell#8725) - Package validation tests updates (PowerShell#8714) - Make xUnit tests run sequentially to avoid race conditions caused by manipulating `powershell.config.json` in tests (PowerShell#8945) - Use verbatim string literals for paths (PowerShell#8937) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Parallelize the Windows CI to enable us to run all tests all the time (PowerShell#8868) - Fixes for Scheduled release build (PowerShell#8887) - Remove references to uninitialized variable (PowerShell#8849) - Remove directory causing static analysis failure (PowerShell#8812) - Update Pester version to 4.4.4 (PowerShell#8739) - Change xUnit Runspace tests to run sequentially (PowerShell#8796) - Fix cleanup config files for the csharp xUnit tests (PowerShell#8761) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Moved `fxdependent-dotnetsdk-latest/Dockerfile` (PowerShell#8738) * Build and Packaging Improvements - Make every `csproj` files have its own folder (PowerShell#8750) - Update packaging script to build reference assembly targeting `netcoreapp2.1` and use actual `.csproj` files (PowerShell#8729) - Generate and deploy reference assembly for `Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility.dll` (PowerShell#8716) - Make test file result names unique (PowerShell#8979) - Add variable to control the version of the signing task we use (PowerShell#8982) - Publish test and code coverage artifacts for daily builds (PowerShell#8955) - Integrate building NuGet package in the coordinated build (PowerShell#8947) - Support release branches based on the forward slash separator (PowerShell#8903) - Port DotNet fixes from 6.1.3 (PowerShell#8914) - Start tracking release build information in an azure storage table (PowerShell#8850) - Make license a link in the MSI (PowerShell#8846) - Use `-ErrorAction Ignore` instead of `SilentlyContinue` with `Get-Command` in build.psm1 (PowerShell#8832) - Add `binskim` to coordinated build and increase timeout (PowerShell#8834) - Fix daily CI builds to publish tar package as artifacts (PowerShell#8775) - Add instrumentation for `Start-PSPackage` (PowerShell#8811) - Fix passing credential to the `SyncGalleryToAzArtifacts.psm1` script (PowerShell#8808) - Move Final artifacts from coordinated build to `finalResults` folder (PowerShell#8806) - Refactor coordinated release build (PowerShell#8804) - Add compliance to Coordinated build (PowerShell#8798) - Switch to 1.11 of FPM to fix FPM install issue (PowerShell#8797) - Update the coordinated build with framework dependent package for dotnet SDK (PowerShell#8773) - Fix MSI upgrade failure for preview builds (PowerShell#9013) - Build(deps): Bump `Microsoft.ApplicationInsights` from `2.8.1` to `2.9.1` (PowerShell#8807,PowerShell#8848) - Build(deps): Bump `Microsoft.PowerShell.Native` (PowerShell#8712) - Build(deps): Bump `NJsonSchema` from `9.13.15` to `9.13.19` (PowerShell#8732, PowerShell#8747, PowerShell#8881, PowerShell#8952) - Build(deps): Bump `PackageManagement` from `1.2.4` to `1.3.1` (PowerShell#8800) - Build(deps): Bump `XunitXml.TestLogger` from `2.0.0` to `2.1.26` (PowerShell#8731) - Build(deps): Bump `Markdig.Signed` from `0.15.7` to `0.16.0` (PowerShell#8981) * Documentation and Help Content - Updating README.md for supported openSUSE version and updating link to OS versions supported by CoreFx (PowerShell#8701) (Thanks @stknohg!) - Add complete XML docs for `ConvertToJsonContext` constructors (PowerShell#8737) - Update README.md for ARM to include both 32-bit and 64-bit PS package links (PowerShell#8677) (Thanks @slide!) - Update issue templates with new supported values (PowerShell#8718) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Update maintainer docs about the CLA PR labels (PowerShell#8734) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Add Andrew to the maintainer list (PowerShell#8722) - Update release process template (PowerShell#8711) - Change label in doc issue template (PowerShell#8895) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Update the `dir -recurse` example (PowerShell#8939) (Thanks @vmsilvamolina!) - Update CHANGELOG for release `6.1.3` (PowerShell#8918) - Update stable version to `6.1.3` (PowerShell#8902) - Fix broken link (PowerShell#8905) - Update Coding Guidelines (PowerShell#8844) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Update governance documentation (PowerShell#8776) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Fix broken python method (PowerShell#8821) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Changing docs issue template to new docs repo location (PowerShell#8818) - Fix spelling in `releaseTool/README.md` (PowerShell#8810) - Update GitHub templates (PowerShell#8792) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Fix broken link in `FAQs.md` (PowerShell#8803) - Updated `basics.md` to add a link for showing example for installing git on all package managers (PowerShell#8735) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Update `README.md` for `preview.4` (PowerShell#8772)
** 6.1.3 - 2019-02-14 *** Engine Updates and Fixes - Add security mitigation for 6.1.3 release (Internal 6561) *** Tools - Change the feed URL to feed name due to changes in Azure DevOps (PowerShell#8664) *** Tests - Updating test gallery URL in PackageManagement tests (PowerShell#7879) *** Build and Packaging Improvements - Get PowerShellGet tests working (PowerShell#7831) - Start tracking release build information in an azure storage table (PowerShell#8850) - Remove `PDBs` from `fxdependent` package (PowerShell#8006) - Make every `csproj` files have its own folder (PowerShell#8750) - Update packaging script to build reference assembly targeting `netcoreapp2.1` and use actual `.csproj` files (PowerShell#8729) - Move Final artifacts from coordinated build to `finalResults` folder (PowerShell#8806) - Refactor Unified Release Build (PowerShell#8804) - Add compliance to Coordinated build (PowerShell#8798) - Switch to 1.11 of FPM to fix FPM install issue (PowerShell#8797) - Update the coordinated build with framework dependent package for dotnet SDK (PowerShell#8773) - Add Windows build to coordinated release build YAML (PowerShell#8695) - Build package build using Ubuntu 18.04 image (PowerShell#8666) - Adding `yml` for Windows Release builds (PowerShell#8374) - Update `SignType` in `signing.xml` (PowerShell#8223) - Update DotNet SDK and Runtime version (Internal 7004) - Add `binskim` to coordinated build and increase timeout (PowerShell#8834)
* Breaking Changes * Add `-Stable` to `Sort-Object` and related tests (PowerShell#7862) (Thanks @KirkMunro!) * Improve `Start-Sleep` cmdlet to accept fractional seconds (PowerShell#8537) (Thanks @Prototyyppi!) * Change hashtable to use `OrdinalIgnoreCase` to be case-insensitive in all Cultures (PowerShell#8566) * Fix `LiteralPath` in `Import-Csv` to bind to `Get-ChildItem` output (PowerShell#8277) (Thanks @iSazonov!) * Engine Updates and Fixes - Allow user-specified underlying type for enums (PowerShell#8329) (Thanks @IISResetMe!) - Handle case where AppLocker test script fails to delete (PowerShell#8627) - Update `CommandNotFound` fuzzy suggestion to only return unique results (PowerShell#8640) - Add support to show suggestions on `CommandNotFound` exception (PowerShell#8458) - Make `S.M.A.PowerShell.GetSteppablePipeline` method public (PowerShell#8055) (Thanks @KirkMunro!) - Add `S.M.A.PowerShell.Create` method overload with Runspace argument (PowerShell#8057) (Thanks @KirkMunro!) - Fix mistake on deserialization (PowerShell#8502) - Fix formatting of header of table when center aligned (PowerShell#8497) - Add `-RepeatHeader` to `Format-Table` to enable repeating header for each screen full (PowerShell#8481) - Fix `Debug-Runspace` for Unix platforms and properly enable Windows identity impersonation code (PowerShell#8451) - Reset output attributes if column had `ESC` char when using `Format-Table`; Replace `...` with unicode ellipsis (PowerShell#8326) * Experimental Features - Add the experimental feature `PSUseAbbreviationExpansion` to support tab completion on abbreviated command names (PowerShell#8109) * General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Fix code page parsing issue in `Invoke-RestMethod` (PowerShell#8694) (Thanks @markekraus!) - Fix `Expect 100-continue` issue with Web Cmdlets (PowerShell#8679) (Thanks @markekraus!) - Allow 'name' as an alias key for 'label' in `ConvertTo-Html`, allow the 'width' entry to be an integer (PowerShell#8426) (Thanks @mklement0!) - Resolve `:PAGER` if its path contains spaces (PowerShell#8571) (Thanks @pougetat!) - Add support enum and char types in `Format-Hex` cmdlet (PowerShell#8191) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Change `Get-Help` cmdlet `-Parameter` parameter so it accepts string arrays (PowerShell#8454) (Thanks @sethvs!) - Fix `FixupFileName` to not load resolved assembly during module discovery (PowerShell#8634) - Change `Clear-Host` back to using `$RAWUI` and `clear` to work over remoting (PowerShell#8609) - Fix `LiteralPath` in `Import-Csv` to bind to `Get-ChildItem` output (PowerShell#8277) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Make scriptblock based calculated properties work again in `ConvertTo-Html` (PowerShell#8427) (Thanks @mklement0!) - Fix `Join-String` cmdlet `FormatString` parameter logic (PowerShell#8449) (Thanks @sethvs!) - Allow Windows users in developer mode to create symlinks without elevation (PowerShell#8534) - `Help` function should only pass content to pager if content was found (PowerShell#8528) - Change `Clear-Host` to simply called `[console]::clear` and remove `clear` alias from Unix (PowerShell#8603) - `help` function shouldn't use pager for `AliasHelpInfo` (PowerShell#8552) - Fix XML nesting bug in `CustomSerializer.WriteMemberInfoCollection()` (PowerShell#8476) (Thanks @IISResetMe!) - Add `-UseMinimalHeader` to `Start-Transcript` to minimize transcript header (PowerShell#8402) (Thanks @lukexjeremy!) * Code Cleanup - Remove the no longer used `RunspaceConfigurationEntry` types (PowerShell#8424) - Remove unneeded catch/throw from `mkdir` and `oss` functions (PowerShell#8425) - Remove comments after closing brackets (PowerShell#8344) (Thanks @Meir017!) - Cleanup `Format-Hex` (PowerShell#8683) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Delete `appveyor.yml` (PowerShell#8639) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Revise use of `Start-Sleep` cmdlet (PowerShell#8633) (Thanks @xtqqczze!) - Style: Change first char to upper in summary comments (PowerShell#8597) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Style: Use the type aliases `char` and `bool` instead of `Char` and `Boolean` (PowerShell#8572) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Style: Use the type alias `string` instead of `String` in places that are appropriate (PowerShell#8573) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Correctly capitalize the `ForEach` operator in `*.ps1` (PowerShell#8583) (Thanks @xtqqczze!) - Remove unnecessary trim of passed-in command line in interactive debugging (PowerShell#8594) - Style: Add a space after // in comments and remove unneeded comments after } (PowerShell#8576) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Style: Add the ending period to the XML document texts (PowerShell#8577) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Avoid use of `mkdir` alias in `*.ps1` and `*.psm1` (PowerShell#8582) (Thanks @xtqqczze!) - Regularize redirection operator spacing in `*.ps1` and `*.psm1` (PowerShell#8581) (Thanks @xtqqczze!) - Style: Change 'String.' to 'string.' (PowerShell#8568) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Style: Replace `String.IsNullOrEmpty` with `string.IsNullOrEmpty` (PowerShell#8557) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Fix typo in AMSI test (PowerShell#8561) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Style: Convert to upper first char in `<param>` and `<exception>` doc tags (PowerShell#8556) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Style: Add period before `</param>` and `</exception>` doc tags (PowerShell#8553) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Remove use of cmdlet aliases from `.\test\powershell` (PowerShell#8546) (Thanks @xtqqczze!) - Style: Remove extra spaces after `<para>` and before `</para>` docs tags (PowerShell#8547) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Style: Remove preceding spaces from C# `preprocessor-type` keywords (PowerShell#8540) (Thanks @xtqqczze!) - Style: remove `<remarks> </remarks>` (PowerShell#8538) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Style: Add period before returns doc tag (PowerShell#8535) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Style: Change `Object[]` to `object[]` (PowerShell#8526) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Style: Change `Object` to `object` (PowerShell#8522) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Style: Change `UInt64?` to `ulong?` (PowerShell#8527) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Style: Change `Byte{}` to `byte[]` (PowerShell#8525) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Code cleanup: Add space after closing brace where needed (PowerShell#8530) - Style: Change `System.Boolean` to `bool` (PowerShell#8521) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Change `String` to `string` for simple references (PowerShell#8519) - Change `Int32` to `int` for simple references in variable declaration (PowerShell#8518) - Style: Member access symbols should be followed with member name (PowerShell#8517) - Style: Remove extra space before colon in named parameters (PowerShell#8504) - Style: Use the shorthand of the `nullable` type (PowerShell#8501) - Remove empty lines; correct space on closing square brackets, negative signs, and generic brackets (PowerShell#8508) - Remove space after new keyword in implicitly typed array allocation (PowerShell#8505) - The static keyword should be right after access modifier (PowerShell#8506) - Remove comments after closing bracket (PowerShell#8503) - Remove space character after `'!'` (PowerShell#8507) - Style: Remove extra space before colon in named parameters (PowerShell#8504) * Tools - Recommend Azure DevOps extension inside VS-Code for better `YAML` editing. (PowerShell#8403) (Thanks @bergmeister!) - `-AddToPath` re-implementation in `install-powershell.ps1` (PowerShell#8081) (Thanks @glachancecmaisonneuve!) - Change the feed `URL` to feed name due to changes in `AzDevOps` (PowerShell#8664) - Batch merge builds together while a merge build is running (PowerShell#8668) - Fix grammar in stale bot message (PowerShell#8660) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Add macOS files to `.gitignore` (PowerShell#8456) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Name the spelling yaml something more appropriate (PowerShell#8601) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Add script to create `icns` files. (PowerShell#7456) (Thanks @thezim!) - Pass `nugetkey` as parameter (PowerShell#8461) - Add `gitkracken` files to `gitignore` (PowerShell#8434) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Create release process issue template (PowerShell#8417) - Support for `linuxmint` in `installpsh-debian.sh` (PowerShell#8440) (Thanks @DarwinJS!) - Enable `install-powershell.ps1` to use `MSI` (PowerShell#8418) * Tests - Remove broken `HelpUri` from `CimTest` (PowerShell#8688) (Thanks @xtqqczze!) - Remove appveyor environment checks (PowerShell#8669) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Adding tests for `PSDiagnostics Module` (PowerShell#8431) (Thanks @kvprasoon!) - Increase diagnose-ability of Link Checker failures (PowerShell#8667) - Fix broken urls (PowerShell#8653) - Update fuzzy test to fix daily build (PowerShell#8629) - Create link check task (PowerShell#8471) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Add Tests for `ConfirmImpact` Ratings (PowerShell#8214) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Fix style issues in xUnit tests (PowerShell#8465) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Move `xUnit` tests in new folder (PowerShell#8356) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Fix environment variable test and add missing null check in `CommandHelpProvider` (PowerShell#8408) - Remove `dotnet` dependency to start WebListener (PowerShell#8390) * Build and Packaging Improvements - Update Third Party Notices (PowerShell#8415) - Adding yaml for Windows Release builds (PowerShell#8374) - Bump `NJsonSchema` from `9.13.1` to `9.13.2` (PowerShell#8422) - Do not ship fullclr binaries of `PackageManagement` (PowerShell#8700) (Thanks @bergmeister!) - Fix the build for `fxdependent` build for `dotnet sdk` (PowerShell#8670) - Add Windows build to universal release build YAML (PowerShell#8695) - Remove `Debian 8` references as it is EOL (PowerShell#8678) - Build(deps): Bump `NJsonSchema` from `9.13.14` to `9.13.15` (PowerShell#8671) - Build package build using ubuntu 18.04 image (PowerShell#8666) - Fix a typo in `packaging.psm1` (PowerShell#8647) (Thanks @sethvs!) - Add function to create a framework dependent package `dotnet-sdk` containers (PowerShell#8644) - Build(deps): Bump `NJsonSchema` from `9.13.13` to `9.13.14` (PowerShell#8648) - Build(deps): Bump `PowerShellGet` from `2.0.3` to `2.0.4` (PowerShell#8649) - Fix installing `fpm` and `ronn` in macOS CI by avoid installing docs for them (PowerShell#8656) - Build(deps): Bump `Markdig.Signed` from `0.15.6` to `0.15.7` (PowerShell#8637) - Build(deps): Bump `System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs` from `4.5.1` to `4.5.2` (PowerShell#8614) - Build(deps): Bump `System.Net.Http.WinHttpHandler` from `4.5.1` to `4.5.2` (PowerShell#8615) - Build(deps): Bump `NJsonSchema` from `9.13.11` to `9.13.13` (PowerShell#8616) - Build(deps): Bump `System.Text.Encoding.CodePages` from `4.5.0` to `4.5.1` (PowerShell#8613) - Enable install of Preview MSI release side-by-side with Stable release (PowerShell#8513) - Get macOS to publish daily build to nugetfeed (PowerShell#8464) - Build(deps): Bump `Markdig.Signed` from `0.15.5` to `0.15.6` (PowerShell#8558) - Build(deps): Bump `NJsonSchema` from `9.13.10` to `9.13.11` (PowerShell#8569) - Remove duplicate `Open Here` context menu item upgrading to newer Preview release (PowerShell#8496) - Bump `NJsonSchema` from `9.13.9` to `9.13.10` (PowerShell#8511) - Bump `NJsonSchema` from `9.13.7` to `9.13.9` (PowerShell#8498) - Bump `NJsonSchema` from `9.13.4` to `9.13.7` (PowerShell#8493) - Bump `NJsonSchema` from `9.13.3` to `9.13.4` (PowerShell#8462) - Fix daily NuGet publishing (PowerShell#8460) - Bump `NJsonSchema` from `9.13.2` to `9.13.3` (PowerShell#8457) - Bump `Markdig.Signed` from `0.15.4` to `0.15.5` (PowerShell#8444) * Documentation and Help Content - Remove unused `AppVeyor` links from `README.md` (PowerShell#8685) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Update `README.md` (PowerShell#8684) - Update Package Management license to MIT (PowerShell#8676) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Create Support File (PowerShell#8618) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Update git clone URL (PowerShell#8673) (Thanks @RDIL!) - docs(contributing): add link check information (PowerShell#8659) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Update License and Third Party Notice (PowerShell#8646) - Update README, `metadata.json` and changelog for release `6.1.2` (PowerShell#8658) - Fix typo in `README.md` (PowerShell#8642) (Thanks @MarkTiedemann!) - Fix some typos in the README (PowerShell#8623) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Remove `en-us` from `docs.microsoft.com` URL (PowerShell#8628) (Thanks @xtqqczze!) - Update examples for hosting PSCore and remove old outdated examples (PowerShell#8472) (Thanks @bergmeister!) - Update the pull request template (PowerShell#8624) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Contributing guidelines: Remove references to Travis CI and AppVeyor (PowerShell#8617) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Update code coverage analysis document (PowerShell#8543) (Thanks @xtqqczze!) - Remove `en-us` from our doc links (PowerShell#8602) - Document `First-time-issue` and `Hackathon`/`Hacktoberfest` labels (PowerShell#8575) - Updated linux build link (PowerShell#8579) (Thanks @jwmoss!) - Update contributing guidelines doc to run spellchecking in English (PowerShell#8473) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Updating links to point to new VS Code docs (PowerShell#8468)
* Tests - Fix test failures (Internal 6310) * Build and Packaging Improvements - Moved the cleanup logic to `Restore-PSModuleToBuild` (Internal 6442) - Update dependency versions (Internal 6421) - Create unified release build for macOS and Linux packages (PowerShell#8399) - Build Alpine `tar.gz` package in release builds (Internal 6027) * Documentation and Help Content - Update version for README, Alpine docker file and hosting tests (Internal 6438)
* Breaking Changes - `Get-ExperimentalFeature` no longer has `-ListAvailable` switch (PowerShell#8318) - `Debug` parameter now sets `DebugPreference` to `Continue` instead of `Inquire` (PowerShell#8195) (Thanks @KirkMunro!) * Engine Updates and Fixes - Improve PowerShell startup time by 24% (PowerShell#8341) (PowerShell#8396) - Remove extra newlines from formatting which resulted in unnecessary double newlines (PowerShell#8247) - Add `Enable-ExperimentalFeature` and `Disable-ExperimentalFeature` cmdlets (PowerShell#8318) - Fix `Export-ModuleMember` bug for a `ScriptBlock` having no context (PowerShell#8363) - Fix race condition to access `powershell.config.json` (PowerShell#8249) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Add `SkipCA` and `SkipCN` check requirement to WinRM/OMI HTTPS connection (PowerShell#8279) - Add fix for `Start-Job` initialization script which should not be executed as trusted in system lockdown (PowerShell#8284) * General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Add `Enable-ExperimentalFeature` and `Disable-ExperimentalFeature` cmdlets (PowerShell#8318) - Add cmdlet `Join-String` for creating text from pipeline input (PowerShell#7660) (Thanks @powercode!) - Expose all cmdlets from `PSDiagnostics` if `logman.exe` is available (PowerShell#8366) - Fix `Get-Help` for advanced functions with MAML help content (PowerShell#8353) - Conditionally mark getter/setter implementations as virtual in generated classes (PowerShell#8303) (Thanks @IISResetMe!) - Fix for `PSDrive` creation with a UNC path with a trailing backslash or forward slash when combined with `-Persist` (PowerShell#8305) (Thanks @kvprasoon!) - Remove `Persist` parameter from `New-PSDrive` on non-Windows platform (PowerShell#8291) (Thanks @lukexjeremy!) - `Test-Path`: Return `$false` when given an empty or `$null` `-Path`/`-LiteralPath` value (PowerShell#8080) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Token calculation fix for `Get-Help` executed on `ScriptBlock` for comment help. (PowerShell#8238) (Thanks @hubuk!) - Support `Get-PSHostProcessInfo` and `Enter-PSHostProcess` on Unix platforms (PowerShell#8232) * Code Cleanup - Update `resgen`, `typegen` to use .Net Core 2.1 (PowerShell#8369) (Thanks @bergmeister!) - Change `Newtonsoft` deserializing bug comment to link to the new issue (PowerShell#8377) (Thanks @louistio!) - Cleanup `#if !CORECLR` code (PowerShell#8337) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Cleanup `UpdatableHelpSystem` and enable XSD validation on MAML help content (PowerShell#8335) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Remove old `customPSSnapInType` parameter from `PSSnapInInfo()` (PowerShell#8333) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Cleanup `#if CORECLR` from some files (PowerShell#8332) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Cleanup `AssemblyInfo` (PowerShell#8190) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Fix `GetLocationCommand` output type parameter set and style issues (PowerShell#8324) (Thanks @Meir017!) * Tools - Remove `dependabot` attribution and generate changelog sections using `CL-*` labels (PowerShell#8386) * Tests - Update folder path for storing optimization profile and add test to validate loaded assemblies and libraries on startup (PowerShell#8406) - Fix an intermittent failure in macOS logging tests (PowerShell#8385) - Created a `csproj` to pin test modules and updated `build.psm1` accordingly (PowerShell#8350) - Update help content for `TabCompletion` tests only if it does not exist (PowerShell#8355) - Skip `Enter-PSHostProcess` tests on `AppVeyor` due to `PSReadline` issue (PowerShell#8317) * Build and Packaging Improvements - Remove `AmazonLinux` Dockerfile (PowerShell#8271) (Thanks @kiazhi!) - Make `install-powershell.sh` auto-detect if it should use `wget` or `curl` (PowerShell#8225) (Thanks @DarwinJS!) - Bump `NJsonSchema` from `9.12.2` to `9.13.1` (PowerShell#8319) (PowerShell#8328) (PowerShell#8412) (PowerShell#8371) (PowerShell#8384) - Bump `Microsoft.PowerShell.Native` from `6.2.0-preview.2` to `6.2.0-preview.3` (PowerShell#8411) - Update the name of the artifact to be unique per artifact (PowerShell#8405) - Create unified release build for macOS and Linux packages (PowerShell#8399) - Add Linux `ARM64` build support (PowerShell#8016) (Thanks @slide!) - Update the timeout of CI builds (PowerShell#8398) - Bump `PackageManagement` from `1.2.2` to `1.2.4` in `/src/Modules` (PowerShell#8320) (PowerShell#8383) - Bump `Newtonsoft.Json` from `11.0.2` to `12.0.1` (PowerShell#8348) - Enable pipeline to sync `PSGallery` modules to `AzArtifacts` feed (PowerShell#8316) - Build Alpine `tar.gz` package in release builds (PowerShell#8340) - Publish test package to `AppVeyor` daily build (PowerShell#8273) - Bump `Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp` from `2.9.0` to `2.10.0` (PowerShell#8294) - Bump `PowerShellGet` from `2.0.1` to `2.0.3` in `/src/Modules` (PowerShell#8321) - Enable `Open Here` context menu on Windows to work with root of a drive (PowerShell#8287) - Bump `System.Data.SqlClient` from `4.5.1` to `4.6.0` (PowerShell#8266) * Documentation and Help Content - Merge `changelogs` from `6.1.1` and `6.0.5` into master (PowerShell#8283) - Remove all reference to `AppVeyor` and `Travis CI` from docs (PowerShell#8376) - Change default issue template to use different categories (PowerShell#8203)
* Breaking Changes - Honor `-OutputFormat` if specified in non-interactive, redirected, encoded command used with `pwsh` (PowerShell#8115) - Load assembly from module base path before trying to load from the `GAC` (PowerShell#8073) - Remove tilde from Linux preview packages (PowerShell#8244) - Move processing of `-WorkingDirectory` before processing of profiles (PowerShell#8079) * Known Issues - PowerShell WSMan remoting does not work on Debian 9 due to missing symbolic links. For more information and a workaround see issue [PowerShell#7598](PowerShell#7598) * Engine Updates and Fixes - Enable case-insensitive tab completion for files and folders on case-sensitive filesystem (PowerShell#8128) - Experimental feature: Implicit remoting batching performance improvements (PowerShell#8038) - Add a path for checking `ZoneInformation` without throwing an exception (PowerShell#8025) (Thanks @powercode!) - Fix [CVE-2018-8256](https://portal.msrc.microsoft.com/en-US/security-guidance/advisory/CVE-2018-8256), issues with expanding `ZIP` files with relative paths (PowerShell#8252) - Fix [CVE-2018-8415](https://portal.msrc.microsoft.com/en-US/security-guidance/advisory/CVE-2018-8415), issue logging when the `scriptblock` has a null character (PowerShell#8253) - Make `PSVersionInfo.PSVersion` and `PSVersionInfo.PSEdition` public (PowerShell#8054) (Thanks @KirkMunro!) - Enable distinct `ModuleAnalysisCache` files for each installation of `pwsh` (PowerShell#8174) - Consolidation of all Windows PowerShell work ported to PowerShell Core (PowerShell#8257) - Fix incorrect name check when auto-loading required modules (PowerShell#8218) - Adding verbose output for experimental implicit remoting batching feature (PowerShell#8166) - Add Type Inference for `$_ / $PSItem in catch{ }` blocks (PowerShell#8020) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Fix static method invocation type inference (PowerShell#8018) (Thanks @SeeminglyScience!) * General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Reduce allocations in `Get-Content` cmdlet (PowerShell#8103) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Enable `Set-Location -LiteralPath` to work with folders named `-` and `+` (PowerShell#8089) - Enable `Add-Content` to share read access with other tools while writing content (PowerShell#8091) - Add new `Offset` and `Count` parameters to `Format-Hex` and refactor the cmdlet (PowerShell#7877) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Add `-Name`, `-NoUserOverrides` and `-ListAvailable` parameters to `Get-Culture` cmdlet (PowerShell#7702) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Allow dynamic parameter to be returned even if path does not match any provider (PowerShell#7957) - Style fixes in `Format-Hex` (PowerShell#8083) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Fix logic to rely on PowerShell major and minor version instead of build number to determine whether to output `formatdata` (PowerShell#8063) - Fix `Rename-Item -Path` with wildcard `char` (PowerShell#7398) (Thanks @kwkam!) - When using `Start-Transcript` and file exists, empty file rather than deleting (PowerShell#8131) (Thanks @paalbra!) - Error message enhancement for `Clear-Content` cmdlet when targeting a directory (PowerShell#8134) (Thanks @kvprasoon!) - Make `Select-String` faster by not doing extra work (PowerShell#7673) (Thanks @powercode!) - Remove `ShouldProcess` from `Format-Hex` (PowerShell#8178) * Code Cleanup - Remove clone of command-line arguments array (PowerShell#7910) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Use `DefaultPathSeparator` `char` instead of `DefaultPathSeparatorString` (PowerShell#8082) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Replace `StringComparision.CurrentCulture` with `StringComparision.Ordinal` (PowerShell#8068) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Fix typo in `-icontains` description from `incase sensitive` to `case insensitive` (PowerShell#7840) (Thanks @StingyJack!) - Refactor module version/`GUID` comparison logic (PowerShell#7125) * Tools - Update `installpsh-amazonlinux.sh` for container specific issues (PowerShell#7907) (Thanks @DarwinJS!) - Update the `codeowners` file (PowerShell#8017) * Tests - Filter the `TestPackage` artifact upload by name to avoid other `ZIP` files being uploaded (PowerShell#8116) - Adding `fxdependent` PowerShell package tests (PowerShell#7830) - Fix Windows Feature tests running in Azure DevOps (PowerShell#8220) - Create `$PROFILE` if it does not exist for `-WorkingDirectory` processing test (PowerShell#8152) - Add test coverage for additional `Get-Module` parameters (PowerShell#8137) (Thanks @KevinMarquette!) - Fix conflict with `Get-AdlStoreChildItem` from `az` module in tab completion tests (PowerShell#8167) - Fix static secret in code (PowerShell#8186) * Build and Packaging Improvements - Bump `xunit.runner.visualstudio` from `2.4.0` to `2.4.1` (PowerShell#8139) - Bump `xunit` from `2.4.0` to `2.4.1` (PowerShell#8140) - Bump `Microsoft.ApplicationInsights` from `2.8.0` to `2.8.1` (PowerShell#8104) - Bump `NJsonSchema` from `9.11.1` to `9.12.1` (PowerShell#8183, PowerShell#8248) - Fix `Start-PSBuild -Output` (PowerShell#7504) (Thanks @kwkam!) - Adding `YML` for Linux builds (PowerShell#8168) - Publish test package at `AGENT_WORKFOLDER` if `TEMP` is not available (PowerShell#8108) - Fix `psmodulerestore` path when built in Visual Studio Code (PowerShell#8075) - Use approved verb instead of `Generate-CrossGenAssembly` (PowerShell#8151) (Thanks @kvprasoon!) - Add path filters to CI `YAML` (PowerShell#8222) - Update `SignType` in `signing.xml` (PowerShell#8223) - Update metadata for `6.0.5` and `6.1.1` releases (PowerShell#8259) - Port changes to allow Azure DevOps NuGet feeds for Mac build (Internal 5818) - Update version for dependencies (Internal 5822) - Add code to use private NuGet feeds when running in internal CI system (PowerShell#8187) - Add title to `Open Here` window for `MSI` installer (PowerShell#8164) - Remove build and documentation references to `git` submodules (PowerShell#8177) (Thanks @andschwa!) - Add function to create a new `nuget.config` file (PowerShell#8170) - Update macOS release build to create the `nuget.config` (PowerShell#8185) - Workaround for accessing Azure Artifacts (PowerShell#8188) - Fix script path for `PowerShellPackageVsts.ps1` (PowerShell#8189) - `Microsoft.PowerShell.Native` now has `MUSL` binaries for Alpine. * Documentation and Help Content - Fix grammar in `README.md` (PowerShell#8059) (Thanks @daviddreher2!) - Update `powershell-beginners-guide.md` to add alias for `Clear-Host` (PowerShell#7912) (Thanks @aavdberg!) - Add Microsoft Docs link to FAQ (PowerShell#8133) (Thanks @vongrippen!) - Added updated photo of Visual Studio Code due to new version of Code (PowerShell#8084) (Thanks @lassehastrup!) - Update `license.rtf` to only have major version (PowerShell#8127) - Updated Pester Syntax in Writing Tests Guide (PowerShell#8039) (Thanks @markwragg!) - Remove duplicate parts from license file (PowerShell#8143) (Thanks @azkarmoulana!) - Fix spellings in `CHANGELOG.md` (PowerShell#8062) - Update license RTF to 6.2 (PowerShell#8065) - Combine notes about `ITuple` changes in Change Log (PowerShell#8077) (Thanks @Jocapear!) - Correct typos in `powershell-beginners-guide.md` (PowerShell#8088) (Thanks @nycjan!) - Added `Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches` as recommended reading (PowerShell#8067) (Thanks @tobvil!) - Update `README.md` for `v6.1.1` (PowerShell#8255) - Fix some typos (PowerShell#8206) (Thanks @jeis2497052!) - Promote `HTTPS` (PowerShell#8160) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Simple grammatical correction in `README.md` file (PowerShell#7978) (Thanks @iGotenz!) - Update URLs to use `HTTPS` instead of `HTTP` in the documentation (PowerShell#8165) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Remove PowerShell#7633 from `v6.2.0-preview.1` `CHANGELOG.md` updates. (PowerShell#8101) (Thanks @stknohg!)
v6.1.1 - 2018-11-13 * Engine Updates and Fixes - Fix issue with logging the null character in `ScriptBlock` logging (Internal 5607) - Consolidation of all Windows PowerShell work ported to 6.1 (Internal 5233) * General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Use `ZipFile` and `ExtractToDirectory` APIs to extract zip file (Internal 5608) * Build and Packaging Improvements - Update the Archive module version (Internal 5671) - Update to .NET Core `2.1.5` with SDK `2.1.403` (PowerShell#7936) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Disable package major upgrade tests for release branch (Internal 5209) - Bump versions for dependencies (Internal 5612) - Port changes to allow `AzDevOps` NuGet feeds for macOS build (Internal 5716) - Port macOS changes from GitHub (PowerShell#8189, PowerShell#8188, PowerShell#8185) - Add function to create a new `nuget.config` file (PowerShell#8170) - Updated `wxs` file to match published packages (Internal 5660) * Tests - Change API to match cmdlet which is more reliable in `AzDevOps` Pipelines Windows (PowerShell#8003) - Fix conflict with `Get-AdlStoreChildItem` from `az` module in tab completion tests (PowerShell#8167)
v6.0.5 - 2018-11-13 * Engine updates and fixes - Fix issue with logging the null character in `ScriptBlock` logging (Internal 5605) * General cmdlet updates and fixes - Use `ZipFile` and `ExtractToDirectory` APIs to extract zip file (Internal 4802) * Build and Packaging Improvements - Update `SignType` in signing.xml (Internal 5721) - Port changes to pull PowerShell Gallery modules from Modules `csproj` (Internal 5713) - Port macOS Release build changes changes from GitHub (PowerShell#8189, PowerShell#8188, PowerShell#8185) - Fix script path for `PowerShellPackageVsts.ps1` (PowerShell#8189) - Workaround for accessing `AzDevOps` Artifacts (PowerShell#8188) - Bump various packages to latest patch version (Internal 5675) - Update PowerShell SDK NuGet various metadata description (Internal 4527, 4510, 4505)
* Breaking Changes - Do not add `PATHEXT` environment variable on Unix (PowerShell#7697) (Thanks @iSazonov!) * Known Issues - Remoting on Windows IOT ARM platforms has an issue loading modules. See [PowerShell#8053](PowerShell#8053) * Engine Updates and Fixes - Add C# style type accelerators and suffixes for `ushort`, `uint`, `ulong`, and `short` literals (PowerShell#7813) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Create inferred types for `Select-Object`, `Group-Object`, `PSObject` and `Hashtable` (PowerShell#7231) (Thanks @powercode!) - Fix .NET adapter to be able to get members from `System.IntPtr` (PowerShell#7808) - Fix .NET adapter to not throw when fails to create a `PSMethod` due to `ByRef-like` type (PowerShell#7788) - Support calling method with `ByRef-like` type parameters (PowerShell#7721) - Fix perf issue in provider by using `Refresh()` to update the status rather than instantiating `ServiceController` which has a significant perf degradation from .NET Framework (PowerShell#7680) - Update PowerShell to handle the case where the Windows PowerShell module path is already in the environment's `PSModulePath` (PowerShell#7727) - Ensure the `SSHClientSessionTransportManager` stream writer and reader fields are cleared after dispose. (PowerShell#7746) - Add unified attribute for completion for `Encoding` parameter. (PowerShell#7732) (Thanks @ThreeFive-O!) - Add support for Byte Literals (PowerShell#7901) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Fix Property and `ScriptBlock` expressions in `EntrySelectedBy` tags within custom controls (PowerShell#7913) (Thanks @SeeminglyScience!) - Fix `BeginInvoke`/`EndInvoke` to return results when `Stop` or `BeginStop`/`EndStop` was called previously (PowerShell#7917) - Allow root node of `format.ps1xml` to have attributes that are ignored (PowerShell#7987) - Use non-virtual call to invoke 'family or assembly' methods on base class from PowerShell class (PowerShell#7622) (PowerShell#7624) (Thanks @yurko7!) - Enable indexing operations on `System.Tuple` and `System.ValueTuple` (PowerShell#7633) (Thanks @SeeminglyScience!) - Enable indexing operations on objects that implement `ITuple` (PowerShell#7633) (Thanks @SeeminglyScience!) - Make the parameter to `ImportPSModule` use `params` so that it is easier to call (PowerShell#7933) (Thanks @iSazonov!) * General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Add `EscapeHandling` parameter in `ConvertTo-Json` cmdlet (PowerShell#7775) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Make `Add-Type` open source files with `FileAccess.Read` and `FileShare.Read` explicitly (PowerShell#7915) (Thanks @IISResetMe!) - No longer skips a column without name if double quote delimiter is used in `Import-Csv` (PowerShell#7899) (Thanks @Topping!) - Add support for `cd +` (PowerShell#7206) (Thanks @bergmeister!) - Allow numeric Ids and name of registered code pages in `-Encoding` parameters (PowerShell#7636) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Remove extra space in `LastWriteTime` format (PowerShell#7810) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Fix `Enter-PSSession -ContainerId` for the latest Windows (PowerShell#7883) - `Get/Add-Content` throws improved error when targeting a container (PowerShell#7823) (Thanks @kvprasoon!) - Ensure `NestedModules` property gets populated by `Test-ModuleManifest` (PowerShell#7859) - Add `%F` case to `Get-Date -UFormat` (PowerShell#7630) (Thanks @britishben!) - Fix file blocking issue with web cmdlets (PowerShell#7676) (Thanks @Claustn!) - Improve error message on non-Windows when importing `clixml` with `securestring` (PowerShell#7997) - Add prompt to the use of less in the function 'help' to instruct user how to quit (PowerShell#7998) - Fix `Set-Service -Status Stopped` to stop services with dependencies (PowerShell#5525) (Thanks @zhenggu!) * Code Cleanup - Use `nameof()` in bound `parameters.contains key()` (PowerShell#7908) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Cleanup all native code from repository (PowerShell#7892) - Add `XSDs` for Format and `Types.ps1xml` files (PowerShell#7832) (Thanks @felixfbecker!) - Remove unused commented out code (PowerShell#7935) (Thanks @vpondala!) - Add `.editorconfig` (PowerShell#7357) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Remove unused stopwatch (PowerShell#7878) - Clean up `MshObject.cs` and `MshMemberInfo.cs` (PowerShell#7446) - Add `TimeToLive` and `Hops` aliases to `MaxHops` parameter of `Test-Connection` cmdlet. (PowerShell#7850) (Thanks @sethvs!) - Fix a typo in `Credential.cs` (PowerShell#7696) (Thanks @sethvs!) - Remove workaround on VSTS that is no longer needed (PowerShell#7666) - Improve code style of `Send-MailMessage` cmdlet (PowerShell#7723) (Thanks @ThreeFive-O!) - Cleanup `FileSystemProvider` from runtime checks (PowerShell#7655) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Remove extra spaces in error messages in `Modules.resx` (PowerShell#7662) (Thanks @sethvs!) - Remove empty XML comment lines (missed in PowerShell#7401) (PowerShell#7641) (Thanks @kvprasoon!) - Remove `Suspend-Job` and `Resume-Job` cmdlets from compilation (PowerShell#7650) * Tools - Fix syntax error in `installpwsh-amazonlinux.sh` (PowerShell#7905) (Thanks @DarwinJS!) - Add tools for PowerShell perf analysis (PowerShell#7595) (Thanks @lzybkr!) - Started using [Dependabot](https://dependabot.com) to create PRs to update package and module versions * Tests - Add test for `$error[0]` tab completion (PowerShell#7924) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Replace test certificates with self-signed certificate generating command (PowerShell#7875) - Standardize Pester syntax in `ReplaceOperator.Tests.ps1` (PowerShell#7963) (Thanks @sethvs!) - Updating `ModulePath.Tests` for `fxdependent` package (PowerShell#7772) - Add tests for `Import-Module -Force` (PowerShell#7491) - Updates to Docker package tests (PowerShell#7667) - Updating test gallery URL in `PackageManagement` tests (PowerShell#7879) - Add version checking tests for `Import-Module` (PowerShell#7499) - Update Markdown tests (PowerShell#7838) - Change locale of `mdspell` to `en-US` (PowerShell#7671) - Test changes needed for running in a container (PowerShell#7869) - Add daily build non-windows platforms (PowerShell#7683) - Remove workaround on VSTS that is no longer needed (PowerShell#7666) - Fix module specification `hashtable` in `ModuleSpecification.Tests.ps1` (PowerShell#7663) (Thanks @sethvs!) - Use `dotnet test` since the `dotnet xunit` test runner has been deprecated (PowerShell#7980) (Thanks @bergmeister!) - Fix pipeline test where `SmtpServer` key was set wrong in pipeline object (PowerShell#7745) (Thanks @ThreeFive-O!) - Change API to get host name to match cmdlet which is more reliable in Azure DevOps Pipelines `Hosted Windows VS2017` (PowerShell#8003) - Disable `travis-ci` (PowerShell#7766) - Make artifact upload only occur for non-PR builds (PowerShell#7657) - Change logic for downloading zip files based on job id (PowerShell#7653) - Add missing dependency for hosting xUnit tests * Build and Packaging Improvements - Change default of `Start-PSBuild` to include `-PSModuleRestore` (PowerShell#7881) - Specify verb, `pwsh`, for shell context menu to avoid overriding the default verb (PowerShell#7932) (Thanks @bergmeister!) - Converting aliases to cmdlets in `build.psm1` (PowerShell#7964) (Thanks @kvprasoon!) - Add dependencies for SUSE (PowerShell#7938) (Thanks @Jellyfrog!) - Wait for package manager not to be locked (PowerShell#7817) - Make `Start-PSPackage` give better message about how to fix `files.wxs` (PowerShell#7841) - Bump to .NET Core `2.1.5` with SDK `2.1.403` and latest packages (PowerShell#7646, PowerShell#7834, PowerShell#7922, PowerShell#7936) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Bump `Markdig.Signed` NuGet package from `0.15.3` to `0.15.4` (PowerShell#7960) (Thanks @bergmeister!) - Bump `Microsoft.ApplicationInsights` from `2.7.2` to `2.8.0` (PowerShell#8002) - Bump `Microsoft.PowerShell.Native` from `6.1.0-rc.1` to `6.1.0` (PowerShell#7861) - Bump `NJsonSchema` from `9.10.71` to `9.11.1` (PowerShell#7705, PowerShell#7764, PowerShell#7990) - Bump `PackageManagement` from `` to `1.2.2` in /src/Modules (PowerShell#8014, PowerShell#8029) - Bump `Pester` to use latest version (PowerShell#8015) - Bump `PowerShellGet` to `2.0.0` (PowerShell#7831) - Bump `PSReadLine` to `2.0.0-beta3` (PowerShell#7711) - Bump `Xunit.SkippableFact` from `1.3.6` to `1.3.12` (PowerShell#7972) - Make Windows MSI uninstallation shortcut remove work when more than one version is installed (PowerShell#7701) (Thanks @bergmeister!) - Update Docker files to use MCR (PowerShell#7726) - Update `metadata.json` in preparation for `6.1` release (PowerShell#7741) - Build and package framework dependent package (PowerShell#7729) - Make sure MSI build works when not preview (PowerShell#7752) - Remove `PDBs` from `fxdependent` package (PowerShell#8006) - Improve debugging of NuGet package generation and add type to filtering * Documentation and Help Content - Replace ambiguous `hang` term (PowerShell#7902, PowerShell#7931) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Updating incorrect example of `PowerShell.Create()` (PowerShell#7926) (Thanks @1RedOne!) - Update `governance.md` (PowerShell#7927) (Thanks @tommymaynard!) - Add `cURL` to the Bash users list in `README.md` (PowerShell#7948) (Thanks @vmsilvamolina!) - Optimize image assets used in documentation (PowerShell#7874) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Update build badges (PowerShell#7792) - Remove packaging, building and installation scripts for Ubuntu 17.10 (PowerShell#7773) - Remove badges for master build as it reflects last PR which is not actionable from the `README` file (PowerShell#7816) - Improve Markdown formatting of beginners guide (PowerShell#7684) (Thanks @fbehrens!) - Fix the `Basic cookbooks` link (PowerShell#7934) (Thanks @vmsilvamolina!) - Update version for PowerShell release `6.1.0` (PowerShell#7751) - Add VSTS CI build badges for master branch to `README.md` (PowerShell#7691) (Thanks @bergmeister!) - Add a paragraph on `files.wxs` updating (PowerShell#7695) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Update `CONTRIBUTION.md` about adding an empty line after the copyright header (PowerShell#7706) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Update docs about .NET Core version `2.0` to be about version `2.x` (PowerShell#7467) (Thanks @bergmeister!)