HollaEx Kit is an open source crypto exchange software that can be utilized to onboard your users and traders in order to run your white label exchange. In order to run the HollaEx Kit, you need to run the Server as the back-end and Web as your front-end user interface. HollaEx Kit runs as a stand alone node and for trading and blockchain functionalities require to connect to HollaEx Network.
HollaEx Kit provides simple (but powerful) CLI tool to help exchange operators setup and operate the exchange. Get started by install HollaEx CLI and following the documentation to start your own exchange.
git clone https://github.com/bitholla/hollaex-kit.git
bash install.sh
Read more on our Docs!
Checkout Web for the front-end UI/UX modifications.
Check out Server for back-end and server side operations and endpoints.
Check out Plugins for developing seamless and flexible custom services that can be added to the HollaEx Kit.
Check out HollaEx CLI (Command Line Interface) for interacting and deploying your exchange.
Join us on the Forum and Discord.
- Exchange Dashboard: https://dash.bitholla.com
- HollaEx Whitepaper: https://hollaex.com/docs/whitepaper.html
- HollaEx Live Exchange: https://hollaex.com
- Discord Community: https://discord.gg/RkRHU8RbyM
- Forum: https://forum.hollaex.com
- Docs: https://docs.hollaex.com