Sample Code using Vuforia Image Target to designate a world postion without the need for continuous marker tracking on HoloLens. Vuforia and Web Camera is turned-off after the image target/marker is located and HoloLens spatial tracking manages position tracking.
- Visual Studio 2017
- Unity 2017.1.0f3
- Microsoft Unity HoloToolkit v1.5.8.0
- Vuforia 6.2.10 Unity SDK
- Vuforia 6.2.10 Unity Core Samples Image Targets
- Configure workstation for HoloLens development
- Clone the Project (Contains HoloToolkit and Notes 3D Model and animation components)
- Download Vuforia .unitypackage SDK dependencies
- Import the Vuforia Unity SDK
- Import the Vuforia Unity Sample Image Target Stones and Chips
- Print the "Stones" target image on paper (A4 or USLetter)
- Create an Eyewear App License Key and apply on the Vuforia ARCamera
- Build and Deploy on HoloLens
- On HoloLens application Start-up, a rotating cube is displayed in front to indicate running application
- Voice Command "Scan Marker" to enable Vuforia and Web Cam to detect the "Stones" printed image
- When the marker is detected, an animated 3D Note is displayed and Vuforia + Web Camera is turned off
- Move the "Stones" Printout and voice command "Scan Marker" again to re-position the 3D model
- Additional voice command "Stop Scan" to turn off Vuforia + Web Camera
- Vuforia SDK Components need to be installed separately due to account registration requirements
- Only the sixteenth_note 3D Model and animation in the Free Unity Asset "The Notes" is included
vuforia-unity-6-2-10.unitypackage (Account Registration Required)
Vuforia Unity Core Samples - Image Targets (Account Registration Required)
"The Notes" by SaladMix Studio (FREE Download) Unity Asset Store 3D Note Model 3D Models/Characters/Toons!/content/17964
Microsoft HoloToolkit-Unity HoloToolKit