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An attempt at building a svelte Application with filename hashing


npm install
npm run build:prod
npx serve build


All javascript, css and asset outputs should contain a hash in their filename to provide for easy far future caching



References js and css files, needs favicon and possibly other more data (title etv)


Use an ejs based template and a rollup plugin that fills in information at build time

see tools/rollup-plugins/create-html.js

.svelte import in script blocks

imports can reference an asset, eg import src from 'path/foo.png' and we want src to be output/foo~hash.png in the build output


Use rollup-plugin-smart-asset with a 'copy' configuration

see rollup.config.js

.svelte style blocks url()

stlye urls can reference an asset, eg background-image: url('path/foo.png') and we want it to be background-image: url('output/foo~hash.png) in the build output

  • Use emitCss: true in rollup-plugin-svelte
  • use postcss with rollup-plugin-postcss
  • postcss.config.js uses postcss-smart-asset with a similar configuration as rollup-plugin-smart-asset

see rollup.config.js and postcss.config.js

.svelte template

templates can contain attributes which reference an asset, eg <img src="path/foo.png"/> and we want it to be <img src="output/foo~hash.png"/> in the build output


use a svelte markup preprocessor to process asset urls with postcss-smart-asset.

see tools/svelte-preprocessors/smart-asset.js

TODO: this is a proof of concept and only handles src, href and xlink:href for now. more generic, possibly via options

stable hashes

Assets can be referenced from different sources and are processed by different tools. But if the same asset is referenced we need all of them to resolve the same

  • use smart-asset with similar configurations everywhere for resolving/copying
  • rollup-plugin-smart-asset doesn't offer multi option, so use multiple instances with one config each

Importing main.css in main.js produces same hash, eg main~23ab778.js, main~23ab778.css that changes when css or js changes


use it as input in rollup config. (must come before main.js input in list!)

that way css gets its own 'main.js' output which is actually empty and we ignore it in create-html plugin

build-time constants required in different files

Due to the complex build, some constants are required in different files


add a separate build-constants.js file and import where needed

TODO: add rollup plugin to be able to import these constants in js (see proxx consts: )

keeping it fast

hashing costs time.

  • only do it in production builds
  • use metrohash128 TODO: can rollup be told to use metrohash128 and support [contenthash] instead of [hash]?

minifying costs time

  • only do it in production ** only import terser plugin if production ** only use cssnano in production TODO: minify html


favicon should be hashed aswell


add it as input in rollup config and inject it in create-html

other todos

  • support output formats besides 'es'
  • more features for index.ejs
  • dev server and livereload
  • hmr
  • routify
  • markdown support (mdsvex or simpler)
  • prettier, linter, husky, testing, ci, you name it


  • Due do emitCss:true and rollup-plugin-postcss, css in svelte can be whatever is handled by your postcss config. see postcss.config.js and tailwind.config.js
  • You can also import from node_modules, see usage of @mdi/svg in App.svelte for an example


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