Telegram Bot to store Posts and Documents and it can Access by Special Links. Custom Auto Delete Features with 2 & 4 Force Subs Channel Support And Many More Features. Check Branch To Know More Abo…
A stable telegram bot to get restricted messages with custom thumbnail support , made by TEAM SPY This bot can upload files upto 4GB + YouTube/Insta/Facebook video downloading support along with 10…
A telegram bot that will give instant stream links for telegram files without the need of waiting till the download completes.
A simple telegram Bot, Upload Media File| video To telegram using the direct download link. (youtube, Mediafire, google drive, mega drive, etc)
An Telegram bot which can download torrents, mega, google drive links, telegram file, direct links and all yt-dlp sites, upload to google drive, telegram cloud, rclone clouds or ddl servers. Made w…
Open Source Alternative to Vercel, Netlify and Heroku.
A simple github action that dynamically deploys an app to heroku
Re-design MyCar E-Hailing Website with using OpenStreetMap API and PHP/MySQL for records user/card details.
Flashsale bot for countdown realtime and auto checkout
Exploits Really Simple Security < 9.1.2 authentication bypass (CVE-2024-10924).
Best DDoS Attack Script Python3, (Cyber / DDos) Attack With 56 Methods
Yg kasi star makasih 😇 yg make doang juga makasih 🗿
Whatsapp bot that can convert images and videos into sticker, send crypto price updates, stock market updates, search internet for any stickers and send random stickers, download youtube videos and…
CyberTor is Updated Version of Telegram Torrent Bot with some new Features. Use it and Be Smart. 🍀 🍀
Method to deploy to Heroku
An advance automatic filter bot for filtering files and media in a telegram chat
Telegram Bot to store Posts and Documents and it can Access by Special Links.
Official Repository: Telegram bot which can download direct links, torrents, nzb, google drive, telegram document, any file/folder from rclone supported clouds, all yt-dlp supported sites and jdown…
A low-power E-Paper weather display powered by an ESP32 microcontroller. Utilizes the OpenWeatherMap API.
"GPS Navigator: Your efficient travel companion! Utilize Dijkstra's algorithm for shortest routes, making travel planning a breeze with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Easy, accurate, hassle-free naviga…
giet iot dashboard ,having realtime sensor data collected using different sensor and nodemcu
I have included everything used during the session here.
an efficient and user friendly OTA server equipped with a powerful WEB UI, designed to effortlessly manage both your ESP8266 and ESP32 Firmware and Status. This OTA solution simplifies the process …