Scheduler, survey strategy analysis, and other simulation tools for Rubin Observatory.
If you are only running rubin_sim
code and not making changes. If you will be editing the code or need the very latest verison, use the pip instructions below.
conda create -n rubin-sim -c conda-forge rubin_sim ## Create a new environment and install rubin_sim
conda activate rubin-sim
rs_download_data ## Downloads a few of data to $RUBIN_SIM_DATA_DIR (~/rubin_sim_data if unset)
conda install -c conda-forge jupyter ## Optional install of jupyter
Note that this is not the best option for developers working on their own metrics - a pip installation from their own fork of the repo may work better.
pip install rubin-sim
Please note that the pip installation of pyoorb does not come with the necessary data files. To actually use pyoorb, the data files are most easily installable via conda with
conda install -c conda-forge openorb-data
conda install -c conda-forge openorb-data-de405
The pip installation of rubin_sim
will install the pip version of pyoorb
which is
more up-to-date compared to the conda-forge version of openorb
. For the purposes of
, the functionality is essentially the same however.
To install rubin_sim
from source using pip, with all dependencies (including jupyter):
git clone ; cd rubin_sim ## clone and cd into repo
conda create -n rubin-sim --file=all_req.txt ## optional (but recommended) new conda env
conda activate rubin-sim ## substitute mamba for conda if you like
pip install -e . --no-deps
rs_download_data ## Downloads a few GB of data to $RUBIN_SIM_DATA_DIR (~/rubin_sim_data if unset)
Note that external collaborators will likely want to follow similar directions, using a fork of our rubin_sim github repo first (and then clone from there).
Optional: Set $RUBIN_SIM_DATA_DIR data directory. By default, rubin_sim
will download needed data files to $HOME/rubin_sim_data
. If you would like the data to save elsewhere, you should set the RUBIN_SIM_DATA_DIR
environment variable. In bash export RUBIN_SIM_DATA_DIR="/my/preferred/data/path"
(note, always make sure this is set before trying to run rubin_sim
packages, so put in your .bashrc or whatnot). Another possibility is to set the location via sym-link, ln -s /my/preferred/data/path ~/rubin_sim_data
export RUBIN_SIM_DATA_DIR=$HOME/rubin_sim_data ## Optional. Set the data directory path via env variable
rs_download_data ## Downloads a few GB of data to $RUBIN_SIM_DATA_DIR
If you are only interested in a subset of the data, you can specify which directories to download, e.g.
rs_download_data --dirs "throughputs,skybrightness,tests,maps"
If you have a previous installation of rubin_sim or wish to update your data download, the flag --force
will force an update of the data in the relevant $RUBIN_SIM_DATA_DIR directories.
Example notebooks to test and further explore rubin_sim, are available at rubin_sim_notebooks.
git clone
cd rubin_sim_notebooks
# Example: make a plot of the number of visits per pointing
jupyter notebook maf/tutorial/Survey_footprint.ipynb
The default skybrightness_pre directory downloaded above contains only one month of pre-calculated skybrightness files. If you wish to run the scheduler for a longer time period, or need this information outside of the span of that month period, you will need to download a larger set of pre-computed sky data.
To download the entire optional set all the (43 Gb) of pre-computed sky data.
Note that subsets of this data can get downloaded via http directly from
(the file names reflect the range of MJD covered within each data file).
Online documentation is available at Example jupyter notebooks can be found at:
To create a local build of the documentation:
conda install -c conda-forge lsst-documenteer-pipelines
cd doc
make html
Questions about rubin_sim
can be posted on the sims slack channel, or on (tag @yoachim and/or @ljones so we get notifications about it).