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Tags: rjeth/microservices-datadriven



Toggle 21.11.3's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Slow build fix (oracle#250)

* docker and pom reverted

Docker back to openjdk:11-jre-slim
Helidon-mp to 2.4.0
jdbc to

* Reorganized non-java-builds

* Update

* testing

* Update

* Update

* Update

* testing

* Update


Toggle 21.11.2's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Update order-helidon-deployment.yaml (oracle#249)


Toggle 21.11.1's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
dynamic queue fetch from env properties (oracle#248)

* Update

* jms multiconsumer bug fixes

* JMS changes to handle topic and queues

* update sender as topic while consumer as queue

* Update jmsReceiver for dynamic Queuename


Toggle 21.10.1's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Update ext-order-ingress.yaml (oracle#234)

Toggle's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Workaround for bug in v4.43.0 terraform oci provider (oracle#221)

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update


Toggle 21.9.2's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Support Live Labs with 5 Digit Reservation ID (oracle#212)

* Update

Support 5 digit live labs reservation ID

* Update

Commented out the tracing tests as they are not working because they changed and have moved to observability

Toggle's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Support Live Labs with 5 Digit Reservation ID (oracle#212)

* Update

Support 5 digit live labs reservation ID

* Update

Commented out the tracing tests as they are not working because they changed and have moved to observability

Toggle's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
fix k6 command (oracle#210)

* mongo kafka postgres work

* mongo kafka postgres work

* mongo kafka postgres work

* removed sqlnet.ora edit

* removed sqlnet.ora edit

* removed sqlnet.ora edit

* dotnet docker work and password/url fix

* dotnet docker work and password/url fix

* dotnet docker work and password/url fix

* dotnet docker work and password/url fix

* dotnet docker work and password/url fix

* dotnet docker work and password/url fix

* dotnet docker work and password/url fix

* dotnet docker work and password/url fix

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* recovery test work

* recovery test work

* recovery test work

* recovery test work

* replace postgres configmap with secret

* replace postgres configmap with secret

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* TEQ setup and tracing

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* grafana work

* grafana work

* grafana work

* grafana work

* grafana work

* grafana work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* dotnet work

* dotnet work

* dotnet work

* dotnet work

* dotnet work

* observability, dotnet, go, etc. work - move kafka etc. build to nonjava

* observability, dotnet, go, etc. work - move kafka etc. build to nonjava

* observability, dotnet, go, etc. work - move kafka etc. build to nonjava

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* observability

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* observability work

* observability work

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* observ

* enable teq

* observability dash

* observability

* osbservability

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* obs

* obs

* enable teq

* obs

* enable teq

* observ

* obs

* converged wording change

* fix k6 command


Toggle 21.9.1's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
transpose "converged" (oracle#208)

* mongo etc work

* mongo kafka postgres work

* mongo kafka postgres work

* mongo kafka postgres work

* removed sqlnet.ora edit

* removed sqlnet.ora edit

* removed sqlnet.ora edit

* dotnet docker work and password/url fix

* dotnet docker work and password/url fix

* dotnet docker work and password/url fix

* dotnet docker work and password/url fix

* dotnet docker work and password/url fix

* dotnet docker work and password/url fix

* dotnet docker work and password/url fix

* dotnet docker work and password/url fix

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* remove sqlnet.ora edit work

* recovery test work

* recovery test work

* recovery test work

* recovery test work

* replace postgres configmap with secret

* replace postgres configmap with secret

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* TEQ setup and tracing

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* mongo, postgres, kafka crash tests

* grafana work

* grafana work

* grafana work

* grafana work

* grafana work

* grafana work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* observability work

* dotnet work

* dotnet work

* dotnet work

* dotnet work

* dotnet work

* observability, dotnet, go, etc. work - move kafka etc. build to nonjava

* observability, dotnet, go, etc. work - move kafka etc. build to nonjava

* observability, dotnet, go, etc. work - move kafka etc. build to nonjava

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* observability

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* observability work

* observability work

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* observ

* enable teq

* observability dash

* observability

* osbservability

* enable teq

* enable teq

* enable teq

* obs

* obs

* enable teq

* obs

* enable teq

* observ

* obs

* converged wording change


Toggle 21.8.1's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
[Feature] adoption of ingress traffic control (oracle#167)

* remove vscode local configuration

* ingress controller setup

* jaeger setup changed to support ingress

* cleanup oke setup script, removing loadbalancing provisioning

* change main setup to provisioning NGINX Ingress Controller and Jaeger

* change frontend service descriptor from LB to ClusterIP and http protocol

* include frontend ingress object descriptor

* change frontend deploy script to provisioning service and ingress objects

* change frontend undeploy script to cleanup service and ingress

* change main test script to obtain the ingress external IP

* order helidon ingress declaration required for scaling test

* change scaling test script to deploy ingress for test and get the external IP

* adjust jaeger url

* change main perf script to get ingress external ip

* change polyglot perf script to get ingress external ip

* removing inventory-springboot from deploy sequence